'An astonishing portrait of an innocent on the verge of discovering the cruelties of love... there are whispers here of the future work of Elena Ferrante' Elizabeth Strout, from the introduction 'Life was a perpetual holiday in those days...' It's the height of summer in 1930s Italy and sixteen-year-old Ginia is desperate for adventure. So begins a fateful friendship with Amelia, a stylish and sophisticated artist's model who envelops her in a dazzling new world of bohemian artists and intoxicating freedom. Under the spell of her new friends, Ginia soon falls in love with Guido, an enigmatic y... continue
Roman al descoperirii orasului si societatii, Vara de neuitat (1949) are in centru povestea inocentei pierdute a unei orfane, Ginia, o adolescenta de aproape 17 ani care locuieste cu fratele ei, Severino, si lucreaza intr-un atelier de croitorie. Fascinata de Amelia, o tinara de 20 de ani, prostituata care pretinde ca isi cistiga traiul pozind nud pentru pictori, Ginia traieste indoieli, atractia fructului oprit, sentimente contrastante in fata vertijului vietii de adult. Frumusetea cartii sta tocmai in firescul si simplitatea cu care Pavese surprinde nuantele si tresaririle entuziasmului juve... continue