Books by Jean-Dominique Bauby (2)


Scafandrul şi fluturele by Jean-Dominique Bauby RO

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Bestseller international, vandut in peste un milion de exemplare si tradus in 30 de limbi, cartea lui Jean-Dominique Bauby sta la baza filmului lui Julian Schnabel, distins in 2008 cu Globul de Aur. Ce inseamna, de fapt, sa fii viu? Care ne sunt, cu adevarat, bucuriile vietii? Cine - sau ce - din noi traieste, se-ndragosteste, cauta, uita, iarta? Cata suferinta incape intr-un trup, cata nefericire intr-un suflet? De ce trebuie sa murim? Publicat la cateva zile dupa moartea autorului, victima a unui accident vascular, "Scafandrul si fluturele" este una dintre cele mai zguduitoare ... continue


The Diving Bell and the Butterfly : A Memoir of Life in Death by Jean-Dominique Bauby EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
A triumphant memoir by the former editor-in-chief of French Elle that reveals an indomitable spirit and celebrates the liberating power of consciousness. In 1995, Jean-Dominique Bauby was the editor-in-chief of French Elle, the father of two young children, a 44-year-old man known and loved for his wit, his style, and his impassioned approach to life. By the end of the year he was also the victim of a rare kind of stroke to the brainstem. After 20 days in a coma, Bauby awoke into a body which had all but stopped working: only his left eye functioned, allowing him to see and, by blinking it, to... continue