New Zealand flag Children's literature books from New Zealand

Recommended children's literature books (1)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you are into children's literature here are some children's literature books from New Zealand for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.

To Trap a Taniwha

To Trap a Taniwha by Jane Cooper EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
''An adventure story set in seventeenth-century Tamaki Makaurau Auckland when the hapu of Ngā Oho/Nga Iwi predominated. Armed with the courage of their convictions, two girls embark on a perilous journey to challenge their leaders' actions. Cousins, Te Kawenga and Kakati learn of a plan being hatched against a neighbouring iwi and strange activity occurring at a seasonal fishing camp. A huge trap is being built to snare and kill Ureia, the taniwha of Hauraki iwi. The cousins fear the retribution that will be taken on their people if Ureia is killed. So they take a dangerous journey to defy the... continue