Popular South American Biography Books

Find biography books written by authors from South America for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge. (25)


Paula by Isabel Allende NL

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Country: South America / Peru flag Peru
De auteur beschrijft de periode waarin haar dochter langdurig in coma ligt, welke eindigt met de dood van het meisje.


Rainhas da noite : As travestis que tinham São Paulo a seus pés by Chico Felitti PT

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Uma história impactante e envolvente das três travestis que comandaram o centro de São Paulo entre 1970 e 2010, do autor dos podcasts A mulher da casa abandonada e O Ateliê. Entre as décadas de 1970 e 2010, Jacqueline Welch, Andréa de Mayo e Cristiane Jordan comandaram o centro da cidade de São Paulo. Três pessoas T que passaram por mudanças políticas e sociais, sofreram e perpetuaram ameaças e violências diversas, abusos e crimes. Contudo, a história delas quase não aparece nos documentos oficiais. Não restam fotos de Jacqueline com suas "filhas" no bordel. Não há reportagens ou processos de ... continue


Ricardo e Vânia by Chico Felitti PT

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Uma das reportagens de maior repercussão nos últimos tempos, a história de Ricardo – apelidado ofensivamente de "Fofão da Augusta" – surge retrabalhada a partir de uma nova descoberta: a trajetória de Vânia, sua namorada.Em 2017, um leito do Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo foi ocupado por um homem sem identidade. Há vinte anos, ele circulava pela região das ruas Augusta e Paulista, onde liderou uma trupe de palhaços, distribuiu panfletos e pediu esmolas. Sua aparência lhe rendeu a alcunha de Fofão da Augusta e o status de lenda urbana. Por trás do apelido ofensivo estava um cabelereiro disp... continue


Rita Lee : Outra autobiografia by Rita Lee PT

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Rita Lee continua a contar sua história em Outra autobiografia "(...) quando decidi escrever Rita Lee: Uma autobiografia (2016), o livro marcava, de certo modo, uma despedida da persona ritalee, aquela dos palcos, uma vez que tinha me aposentado dos shows. Achei que nada mais tão digno de nota pudesse acontecer em minha vidinha besta. Mas é aquela velha história: enquanto a gente faz planos e acha que sabe de alguma coisa, Deus dá uma risadinha sarcástica." Rita Lee Rita pode ter tido de tudo, menos uma “vidinha besta”. E os últimos anos foram, sim, desafiadores. Ao mesmo tempo que o mundo pas... continue


Rita Lee : uma autobiografia by Rita Lee PT

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Autobiography of Brazilian rock musician Rita Lee, covering both her professional career and her personal life since childhood.


Santa Evita by Tomas Eloy Martinez EN

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From one of Latin America's finest writers comes a mesmerizing novel about life of the legendary Eva Peron, the famed wife of an Argentine dictator, told backwards from death to childhood. • Now a 7-part Limited Series on Hulu. Bigger than fiction, Eva Peron was the poor-trash girl who reinvented herself as a beauty, snared Argentina's dictator, reigned as uncrowned queen of the masses, and was struck down by cancer. When her desperate but foxy husband brings Europe's leading embalmer to Eva's deathbed to make her immortal, the fantastical comedy begins. "Finally, this is the novel I always wa... continue


Seven Ways to Kill a Cat by Matías Néspolo EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Set in Buenos Aires at the time of Argentina's financial crash, and seen through the eyes of twenty-year-old Gringo, it tells the story of two boys on the cusp of adulthood who have no choice but to join the gang warfare that rules their community. At least, Gringo's friend Chueco thinks they have no choice. He's determined to prove himself hard enough to get into El Jetita's gang, but smart enough to remain his own man. Gringo is more intelligent. He knows that gangs don't work like that: you obey the leader or else. As the two get drawn ever deeper into a pitched battle between El Jetita and... continue


The Bolivian Diary by Che Guevara EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
THE BASIS OF THE MOVIE "CHE: PART TWO" FROM STEVEN SODERBERGH STARRING BENICIO DEL TORO This is Che Guevara's last diary, compiled from notebooks found in his backpack when he was captured by the Bolivian army in October 1967 and subsequently executed. It became an instant bestseller. Newly revised by Che's widow (Aleida March), and including a thoughtful preface by his eldest son Camilo, this is the definitive account of the attempt to spark a continent-wide revolution in Latin America. "Thanks to Che's invariable habit of noting the main events of each day, we have rigorously exact, priceles... continue


The Book of Emma Reyes by Emma Reyes EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
A literary discovery: an extraordinary account . . .of a Colombian woman's harrowing childhood. This astonishing memoir of a childhood lived in extreme poverty in Latin America was hailed as an instant classic when first published in Colombia in 2012, nine years after the death of its author, who was encouraged in her writing by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Comprised of letters written over the course of thirty years, and translated and introduced by acclaimed Peruvian-American writer Daniel Alarcón . . .


The Diary of “Helena Morley” by Helena Morley EN

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Originally published in 1942 under the title Minha Vida de Menina—Portuguese meaning “My Life as a Little Girl or “Young Girl”—this book is a diary that was kept by the author, Helena Morley (pseudonym of Alice Dayrell Caldeira Brant), when she was between the ages of twelve and fifteen (1893-1895), and living in Diamantina, a small diamond mining town in southeastern Brazil. The little girl describes her homework, her love of parades and dresses, her father who could scarcely make a living in the mines, and her most beloved grandmother. The diary was admired by French Novelist Georges Bernano... continue