Popular South American Poetry Books

Find poetry books written by authors from South America for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge. (16)


The Fat Black Woman's Poems by Grace Nichols EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Grace Nichols gives us images that stare us straight in the eye, images of joy, challenge, accusation. Her 'fat black woman' is brash; rejoices in herself; poses awkward questions to politicians, rulers, suitors, to a white world that still turns its back. Grace Nichols writes in a language that is wonderfully vivid yet economical of the pleasures and sadnesses of memory, of loving, of 'the power to be what I am, a woman, charting my own futures'.


The Guacho Martin Fierro by Jose Hernandez EN

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This is a poem of protest drawn from the life of the gaucho, who was forced to yield his freedom and individuality to the social and material changes that invaded his beloved pampas--a protest which arose from years of abuse and neglect suffered from landowners, militarists, and the Argentine political establishment. This poem, composed and first published more than a century ago, could have been written today by spokesmen for other oppressed groups in other parts of the world. For this reason, perhaps, the poem has such universal appeal that it has been translated into nineteen languages, mak... continue


The Insomnia Poems by Grace Nichols EN

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In her latest collection, The Insomnia Poems, Grace Nichols explores those nocturnal hours when Sleep (the thief who nightly steals your brain) is hard to come by, and the politics of the day hard to shut out, never mind the lavender-scented pillow. Here memories of her own Guyana childhood mingle with the sleeping spectres of dreams and folk legends such as Sleeping Beauty. A lyrical interweaving of tones and textures invites the reader into the zones between sleep and no-sleep, between the solitude of the dark and the awakening of the light. The Insomnia Poems is Grace Nichols's first new co... continue


Tudo nela brilha e queima : poemas de luta e amor by Ryane Leão PT

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Estreia em livro de Ryane Leão, criadora da página onde jazz meu coração, com mais de 150 mil seguidores nas redes Livro de estreia de Ryane Leão, mulher negra, poeta e professora, criadora do projeto onde jazz meu coração, com mais de 150 mil seguidores nas redes. “a poesia é minha chance de ser eu mesma diante de um mundo que tanto me silencia. é minha vez de ser crua. minha arma de combate. nossa voz ecoada. nossa dor transformada. nela eu falo sobre amor, desapego, rotina, as cidades que nos atravessam, os socos no estômago que a vida dá, o coração desenfreado, a pulsação que guia as estra... continue



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Textões, poemas e aforismos da maior voz da cena indie brasileira: Letícia Novaes, a Letrux “Aos goles, salgados, doces, etílicos e brandos, as três seções de Tudo que já nadei nos vão entrando pela cabeça, revirando ou se assentando nos nossos estômagos, mas chegam, certamente, ao coração.” – RITA VON HUNTY “Letícia flutua e mergulha, superficial e profunda, como pop music Escrever é uma coisa, fazer querer ler é outra inteiramente diversa Flutue, mergulhe, os textos são suas boias de braço, e nade. De nada.” – LULU SANTOS “Este livro contém 855 aparições da vigésima letra do alfabeto romano:... continue