Read Around Africa Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Africa.

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Best books from Africa (806)

Venenos de Deus , Remédios do Diabo by Mia Couto PT

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
O jovem médico português Sidónio Rosa, perdido de amores pela mulata moçambicana Deolinda, que conheceu em Lisboa num congresso médico, deslocou-se como cooperante para Moçambique em busca da sua amada. Em Vila Cacimba, onde encontra os pais dela, espera pacientemente que ela regresse do estágio que está a frequentar algures. Mas regressará ela algum dia? Entretanto vão-se-lhe revelando, por entre a névoa que a cobre, os segredos e mistérios, as histórias não contadas de Vila Cacimba - a família dos Sozinhos, Munda e Bartolomeu, o velho marinheiro, o administrador, Suacelência e sua Esposinha,... continue


Um rio chamado tempo, uma casa chamada terra : romance by Mia Couto PT

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
The young man Mariano is returning to his homeland, the island of Luar-do-Chão, for his grandfather's funeral. After years away, he finds himself a stranger in his own home and among his own race. Slowly, he comes to find that he has not returned to the island just for the funeral, but also for his own rebirth, and that of his family. As he tries to retrace his family history, Mariano receives a series of anonymous letters that lead him to investigate the death of his grandfather, and a crime that involves the whole island. He realizes that every inhabitant of the island has something to revea... continue


The Purple Violet of Oshaantu by Neshani Andreas EN

Rating: 4 (4 votes)
Country: Africa / Namibia flag Namibia
Annotation Mee Ali has good reason to be thankful; she has a happy marriage. For some in her village, marriage turns out to be a loveless entrapment.


I Am Not Your Slave : A Memoir by Tupa Tjipombo, Chris Lockhart EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Namibia flag Namibia
I am Not Your Slave is the shocking true story of a young African girl, Tupa, who was abducted from southwestern Africa and funneled through an extensive yet almost completely unknown human trafficking network spanning the entire African continent. As she is transported from the point of her abduction on a remote farm near the Namibian-Angolan border and channeled to her ultimate destination in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, her three-year odyssey exposes the brutal horrors of a modern day middle passage. During her ordeal, Tupa encounters members of Africa's notorious gangs, terrifying wi... continue


Born of the Sun : A Namibian Novel by Joseph Diescho EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Namibia flag Namibia
This is the revealing story of a dispossessed black majority forced to work in the gold and diamond mines of Namibia and South Africa. (Back cover).


Engaging Modernity : Muslim Women and the Politics of Agency in Postcolonial Niger by Ousseina D. Alidou EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Niger flag Niger
Seizing the space opened by the early 1990s democratization movement, Muslim women are carving an active, influential, but often-overlooked role for themselves during a time of great change. Engaging Modernity provides a compelling portrait of Muslim women in Niger as they confronted the challenges and opportunities of the late twentieth century. Based on thorough scholarly research and extensive fieldwork—including a wealth of interviews—Ousseina Alidou’s work offers insights into the meaning of modernity for Muslim women in Niger. Mixing biography with sociological data, social theory and li... continue

De strijd om Gao : een geschiedenis uit Niger

De strijd om Gao : een geschiedenis uit Niger by Nouhou Malio NL

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Niger flag Niger
Mondeling overgeleverd episch verhaal over de geschiedenis van Gao, hoofdstad van het Songhay-rijk in West-Afrika in de 15e en 16e eeuw.


The Epic of Askia Mohammed by Nouhou Malio EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Niger flag Niger
Askia Mohammed is the most famous leader in the history of the Songhay Empire, which reached its apogee during his reign in 1493-1528. Songhay, approximately halfway between the present-day cities of Timbuktu in Mali and Niamey in Niger, became a political force beginning in 1463, under the leadership of Sonni Ali Ber. By the time of his death in 1492, the foundation had been laid for the development under Askia Mohammed of a complex system of administration, a well-equipped army and navy, and a network of large government-owned farms. The present rendition of the epic was narrated by the grio... continue


Les fers de l'absence by Hélène Kaziendé FR

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Niger flag Niger
Alors que Raya se débat à Irtaabi pour élever ses trois enfants, son époux Wadou, incarcéré à Bulala, la prison la plus répressive de Wirfaaba, confie à son journal sa solitude, ses blessures et ses doutes sur l'avenir. ŠL'auteure nous introduit au coeur de la politique africaine, et personne ne s'étonnera devant le tableau qu'elle peint de ces dictatures abominables qui ont régenté le continent. Derrière la poésie qui se dégage de cette oeuvre engagée, il y a la réalité révoltante du sort fait au peuple, la volonté de le voir sortir de ses fers et la conviction qu'il porte en lui-même les lum... continue


El héroe que fue al infierno y escuchó que cantaba allí su epopeya: cantos épicos del pueblo djerma de Niger by Safiatou Amadou, José Manuel Pedrosa ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Niger flag Niger
Narración de algunas de las historias de cuatro personas notables del pueblo djerma, en el sur del Níger. El libro recoge los relatos que se fueron transmitiendo de generación en generación de forma oral. Quien las contaba se acompañaba de un instrumento musical, a menudo de varios músicos y se dirigía a un auditorio popular en un mundo tradicional que hoy tiene los días contados y desgraciadamente se perderá irremisiblemente.