Read Around Africa Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Africa.

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Best books from Africa (892)

The Power of Women : A Doctor's Journey of Hope and Healing by Dr Dr Denis Mukwege EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Congo flag Congo
Nobel laureate, world-renowned doctor and human rights activist, Dr Mukwege has dedicated his life to caring for victims of sexual violence. Over the past two decades living and working in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, he has stood up to soldiers and warlords and survived multiple assassination attempts, never swaying from his mission. In this book, Dr Mukwege interweaves his own story with the experiences of the women he has treated, the people he has worked with, and survivors of sexual violence whom he has met during his years of advocating for women's rights on the international st... continue


Celles qui subissent : Nouvelles by Ohoulou m’Onsonguet FR

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Congo flag Congo
Ce recueil de nouvelles brosse le tableau des discriminations et des difficultés que rencontrent les femmes africaines en général et congolaises en particulier. A l'époque où l'on parle de l'émancipation des femmes, ces dernières restent encore soumises au silence. Malgré la loi, la société pèse encore très lourd sur les veuves qui sont dépossédées de l'héritage du mari au profit d'une belle-famille cupide. Au sein de certains foyers, non seulement les filles vivent le calvaire, avec des parents qui préfèrent nettement leurs frères mais elles doivent aussi subir des abus de la part des pères, ... continue


Un océan, deux mers, trois continents by Wilfried N'Sondé FR

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Congo flag Congo
Au tout début du XVIIe siècle, Nsaku Ne Vunda, ordonné prêtre et baptisé Dom Antonio Manuel, est chargé par le roi des Bakongos de devenir son ambassadeur auprès du pape. En faisant ses adieux à son Kongo natal, il ignore que le long voyage censé le mener à Rome va passer par le Nouveau Monde, et que le bateau sur lequel il s'apprête à embarquer est un navire négrier. De quoi mettre à mal sa foi en Dieu et en l'homme... Wilfried N'Sondé s'empare avec ardeur d'un personnage méconnu de l'Histoire pour dénoncer les horreurs d'une époque d'obscurantisme et exalter la beauté de l'espérance.... continue


Black Bazar by Alain Mabanckou ES

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Congo flag Congo
El protagonista de Black bazar es un dandi africano de nuestros tiempos, enamorado de los cuellos de camisa italianos y de los zapatos Weston, que descubre su vocación de escritor a raíz de una pena de amor. Navegando entre la endecha y la irrisión, esboza con exuberancia un cuadro sin concesiones del mundo que le rodea. Alternando el tono burlesco y el patético, Mabanckou presta su voz a toda una galería de personajes asombrosos que ilustran, cada uno a su manera, la miseria y la grandeza de la condición humana. Una novela de una elocuencia endiablada que huye de los tópicos y los prejuicios,... continue
Tags: Set in Congo


Memoirs of a Porcupine by Alain Mabanckou EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Congo flag Congo
After an ancient initiation, a young Congolese boy is given an animal double in the form of a porcupine and the pair begin an inexplicable streak of murders until the porcupine quits and decides to pen a literary confession. Original.


Verre Cassé : Roman by Alain Mabanckou FR

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Congo flag Congo
Verre Cassé est un client assidu du Crédit a voyagé, un bar congolais des plus crasseux. Un jour, L'Escargot entêté, le patron, lui propose de mettre sur papier les prouesses héroïco-comiques des habitués... Dans un cahier de fortune, sous la plume désabusée de cet ancien instituteur ivrogne, prend vie l'histoire horrifique d'une troupe d'éclopés aux aventures fantastiques. -- 4ème de couverture.


The Tears of the Black Man by Alain Mabanckou EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Congo flag Congo
In The Tears of the Black Man, award-winning author Alain Mabanckou explores what it means to be black in the world today. Mabanckou confronts the long and entangled history of Africa, France, and the United States as it has been shaped by slavery, colonialism, and their legacy today. Without ignoring the injustices and prejudice still facing blacks, he distances himself from resentment and victimhood, arguing that focusing too intensely on the crimes of the past is limiting. Instead, it is time to ask: Now what? Embracing the challenges faced by ethnic minority communities today, The Tears of... continue


Full Circle by Frederick Yamusangie EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
'"C'est l'arrivee," someone said. These were the first words the boy heard when the lorry on which he and the others had been travelling at last turned into the parking lodge at Bulungu, their final destination after a two-day journey from Kinshasa. The boy was impatient to find out more about this place, which might soon become his permanent home. With his little brain he had imagined that people everywhere lived like the people at his birthplace.' The idea of clashes or differences between cultures didn't make sense to the young boy who is sent by his international parents to a country villa... continue


Tram 83 by Fiston Mwanza Mujila EN

Rating: 3 (3 votes)
Two friends, one a budding writer home from Europe, the other an ambitious racketeer, meet in the only nightclub, the Tram 83, in a war-torn city-state in secession, surrounded by profit-seekers of all languages and nationalities. Tram 83 plunges the reader into the modern African gold rush as cynical as it is comic and colorfully exotic, using jazz rhythms to weave a tale of human relationships in a world that has become a global village. Fiston Mwanza Mujila (b. 1981, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo) is a poet, dramatist, and scholar. Tram 83 is his award-winning and raved-about deb... continue


Pleidooi voor leven by Denis Mukwege NL

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Leven en werk van de Congolese gynaecoloog Denis Mukwege, Nobelprijswinnaar voor de Vrede 2018, die vrouwen behandelt die het slachtoffer zijn geweldadige verkrachtingen en genitale verminking.