Read Around South America Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in South America.

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Best books from South America (507)

The Dragonet Prophecy (Wings of Fire #1) by Tui T. Sutherland EN

Rating: 4.5 (11 votes)
A thrilling new series soars above the competition and redefines middle-grade fantasy fiction for a new generation!The seven dragon tribes have been at war for generations, locked in an endless battle over an ancient, lost treasure. A secret movement called the Talons of Peace is determined to bring an end to the fighting, with the help of a prophecy -- a foretelling that calls for great sacrifice.Five dragonets are collected to fulfill the prophecy, raised in a hidden cave and enlisted, against their will, to end the terrible war.But not every dragonet wants a destiny. And when the select fiv... continue


El fabricante de peinetas by Ines Quintero ES

0 Ratings
"Una señora de 57 años tiene un romance con un joven de 22. Cuando el amorío se complica, ella lo acusa de haberle robado un montón de dinero. La denuncia prospera, se entabla un juicio, comienzan las averiguaciones y salen al descubierto las cartas privadas que ella le escribió a él. Lo relatado ocurre en Caracas en 1836 y se convierte en chisme y comidilla de la ciudad por una razón muy sencilla: la señora en cuestión es María Antonia Bolívar, la hermana del Libertador, mientras que el presunto ladrón y depositario de su afecto es un joven humilde llamado José Ignacio Padrón, quien se gana l... continue


Das dritte Land by Karina Sainz Borgo DE

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Angustias Romero ist auf der Flucht vor der Seuche. Mit ihrem Mann und den siebenmonatigen Zwillingen auf dem Rücken ist sie unterwegs in die Berge, auf dem Weg ins rettende Nachbarland. Überall Beschwernis, Hitze und Staub. Die beiden Kinder überleben die Reise nicht. An der Grenze unterhält Visitación Salazar einen illegalen Friedhof: Das dritte Land. Gegen den Widerstand von Kartellen und Todesschwadronen bietet sie den Ausgestoßenen einen Grabplatz. Hier endlich findet die Mutter für die toten Zwillinge einen Ort. Sie beschließt, bei ihnen zu bl... continue


German Room by Carla Maliandi EN

0 Ratings
A non-coming of age story where a woman tries to escape her problems by moving to Germany, but instead finds her life only becoming more complicated.


The Bastards by Bertène Juminer, A. James Arnold, Kandioura Drame, Keith O. Warner EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
This is a novel of education: social, political, radical, and medical. The protagonist is collective, a group of medical students from French Guiana at the University of Montpellier, France, who learn what separates them as Caribbean people from their French and African counterparts. Juminer characterizes the three principal types of men drawn together in the stuggle for emancipation: "those who sooner or later will opt for violence; those who, by their sterling example, prefer to work patiently in the socioprofessional arena, in order to instill a certain moral and civic sense in their countr... continue


Papillon by Henri Charriere, Patrick O EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Condemned for a murder he had not committed, Henri Charriere (nicknamed Papillon) was sent to the penal colony of French Guiana. Forty-two days after his arrival he made his first break, travelling a thousand gruelling miles in an open boat. Recaptured, he suffered a solitary confinement and was sent eventually to Devil's Island, a hell-hole of disease and brutality. No one had ever escaped from this notorious prison - no one until Papillon took to the shark infested sea supported only by a makeshift coconut-sack raft. In thirteen years he made nine daring escapes, living through many fantasti... continue


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