A Hero of Our Time

by Mikhail Lermontov

Rating: 4 (3 votes)

Tags: Male author

A Hero of Our Time

A masterpiece of Russian prose, Lermontov's only novel was influential for many later 19th century authors, including Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, and Chekhov. Lermotov's hero, Pechorin, is a dangerous man, Byronic in his wasted gifts and his cynicism, and desperate for any kind of action that will stave off boredom. In five linked episodes, Lermontov builds up a portrait of a man caught in and expressing the sickness of his times.


Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Lauren
(1 week ago)
19 Feb, 2025
A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov is a classic that wasn't on my radar at all until I decided to read it for my Read the World Challenge: Europe. I'm glad I decided to take a chance on it because I really ended up enjoying this work of classic Russian literature. Reading this through a modern lens is one thing, but I wonder what it would have been like to read about the Byronic figure at the center of this story back when it was new. Quite scandalous, I expect!

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