Cantoras : A novel

by Carolina De Robertis

Rating: 5 (4 votes)

Tags: Female author


In defiance of the brutal military government that took power in Uruguay in the 1970s, and under which homosexuality is a dangerous transgression, five women miraculously find one another—and, together, an isolated cape that they claim as their own. Over the next thirty-five years, they travel back and forth from this secret sanctuary, sometimes together, sometimes in pairs, with lovers in tow or alone. Throughout it all, they will be tested repeatedly—by their families, lovers, society, and one another—as they fight to live authentic lives. A groundbreaking, genre-defining work, Cantoras is a breathtaking portrait of queer love, community, forgotten history, and the strength of the human spirit.


Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Maria
(11 months ago)
22 Feb, 2024
Cantoras was a good read; its a new viewpoint about South American lifestyle and sexuality which most people aren't familiar and the characters each have a deep sense of passion and soul amidst horrible circumstances.

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