Convenience Store Woman : A Novel

by Sayaka Murata

Rating: 4 (119 votes)

Tags: Set in Japan Female author

Convenience Store Woman

Meet Keiko. Keiko is 36 years old. She's never had a boyfriend, and she's been working in the same supermarket for eighteen years. Keiko's family wishes she'd get a proper job. Her friends wonder why she won't get married. But Keiko knows what makes her happy, and she's not going to let anyone come between her and her convenience store... *Convenience Store Woman comes in three different colours; the colour you receive will be chosen at random*


Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Liza
(1 year ago)
01 Feb, 2024
Discussions on how society WILL judge you on how you live your life, its unspoken roles and rules that we all navigate daily, and the choice to abandon or succumb to those pressures.

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Country: Japan flag Japan
Language: EN
Genre: Adult

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