Legends, Traditions and Tales of Nauru : A Transcript of a Series of Lectures Delivered by Native Teachers

by Timothy Detudamo

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Tags: Set in Nauru Male author

Legends, Traditions and Tales of Nauru : A Transcript of a Series of Lectures Delivered by Native Teachers

In a fast globalizing world, group histories,traditions and memories, especially of smaller countries, are at risk of being lost. In 1938, Head Chief Detudamo had the foresight to transcribe and then translate, a series of lectures relating to the legends, customs and tales of Nauru, delivered by what he termed 'native teachers'. Seventy years later, in line with its aim of ensuring that the historic and contemporary 'voice' of the Pacific is heard on the world stage, IPS Publications is pleased to make them more widely available in this, THE LEGENDS, TRADITIONS AND TALES OF NAURU. This book is funded by the Government of Nauru.

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