Mr. Lepron's Mystery Soup

by Giovanna Zoboli

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Tags: Set in Italy Female author

Mr. Lepron's Mystery Soup

Stunning artwork from the acclaimed illustrator of The Midnight Fair illuminates a sweet cautionary tale about a rabbit whose fabled soup-making gets away from him. Mr. Lepron is a rabbit who lives in a cozy burrow with many offspring. Every year on the first day of autumn, he reaps vegetables from the farmer's garden--carrots, onions, celery, beans, aromatic herbs, and much more--and makes the best soup on earth, adored by his family. As it simmers, he dozes and dreams of being a famous cook, hosted by kings. And sure enough, his soup is so good that it starts drawing creatures from all over--until one day a factory springs up in the woods, with Mr. Lepron presiding day and night and soup cans for sale in all the most renowned shops. But as demand rises, Mr. Lepron's dreams become fretful, and soon he starts hearing complaints: his soup is not as good as it was. Has his recipe changed--or has Mr. Lepron? How can he recapture the joy he once shared with his family? Mariachiara Di Giorgio's exquisitely detailed artwork appears lit from within as it captures the pastoral setting, a range of expressive forest animals, Mr. Lepron's fitful dreamscapes, and the palpable sense of peace as he rediscovers what truly matters.

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