The Diary of a Young Girl

by Anne Frank

Rating: 4 (53 votes)

Tags: Set in Netherlands Female author

The Diary of a Young Girl

A timeless story rediscovered by each new generation. The Diary of a Young Girl stands without peer. For both young readers and adults it continues to bring to life this young woman, who for a time survived the worst horror the modern world had seen - and who remained triumphantly and heartbreakingly human throughout her ordeal. For those who know and love Anne Frank, The Definitive Edition is a chance to discover her anew. For readers who have not yet encountered her, this is the edition to cherish.


Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Madeline
(6 years ago)
06 Jan, 2018
Hi everyone! I just wanted to correct this info-the diary of Anne Frank is actually from the Netherlands not Germany :)
Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Bhogo
(6 years ago)
06 Jan, 2018
I did a little research. The information online says Anne Frank was born in Germany, but lived in the Netherlands. I couldn't find any reliable source that says she was Dutch. @MLacy please post a link, if you have a good source of information about Anne Frank.
Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Madeline
(6 years ago)
07 Jan, 2018
Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Madeline
(6 years ago)
07 Jan, 2018
You’re correct that she was born there but most of her life took place in the Netherlands and the story takes place there
Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for ReadATWC
(6 years ago)
08 Jan, 2018
@MLacy Thanks for the feedback and for taking action. We need more people like you to build a great community of book lovers. The information about the book has been updated.

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Country: Germany flag Germany
Language: EN

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