The Kaffir of Karthala

by Mohamed A. Toihiri

Rating: 4 (1 vote)

Tags: Male author

The Kaffir of Karthala

Though Mazamba knows he only has a few days left to extract most out of the world, and though he is married, Mazamba "embarks on an affair with a French woman, Aubéri, and comes to look at the world around him with new eyes." He is met with a society of racism, a nation of corruption and a globe of preconceived notions. But he still undertakes the quest to "challenge the status quo while he still can." Toihiri is a courageous and fearless writer. He looks and writes about the world with a different eye; an eye more clear and vivid an eye more brave. From the descriptions of 'a neighborhood where the Middle Ages and the Third Millennium went hand in hand' to the humorous political past of Marshal Kabaya, Toihri is a brilliant writer. (description by Aisha Esbhani)

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