The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman

by Denis Thériault

Rating: 3 (1 vote)

Tags: Male author

The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman

This short novel conjures up the solitary daily life of Bilodo, a postman who shares his Montreal apartment with his goldfish, Bill. As a result of his indiscretion (the steaming open of personal correspondence), Bilodo becomes involved in an exchange of haiku between the woman of his dreams, a Guadeloupean beauty, and Gaston Grandpre, an eccentric intellectual whose mail Bilodo delivers. Around these events, Denis theriault weaves a passionate tragicomic love story full of twists and turns, but also rich in dazzling descriptions of lush, tropical landscapes and subtle evocations of the sober, precise art of the haiku. All this takes place against the prosaic background of a life deeply rooted in an unvarying routine.


Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Rachel
(3 months ago)
18 Nov, 2024
J'ai beaucoup aimé la plume de l'auteur et l'univers poétique des haïkus, mais je suis déçue de la fin. Dans un sens, je l'ai trouvée trop simpliste, ce qui me donne un peu l'impression d'avoir perdu mon temps sur une histoire pas de but et des personnages pas vraiment crédibles ni bien développés. Dommage, car le talent d'écrivain de l'auteur est indéniable.

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Country: Canada flag Canada
Language: EN
Genre: Romance

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