Books by Alaa Al Aswany (4)


El edificio Yacobián : una novela sobre un inmueble de El Cairo y las vidas de sus habitantes by Alaa Al Aswany ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Egypt flag Egypt
Una novela construida como un mosaico donde las vidas de los personajes se cruzan y se separan ante la mirada compasiva y sin prejuicios del autor.Construido en 1934 en una de las principales avenidas del Cairo, el Edificio Yacobián es al mismo tiempo una imagen representativa de los últimos setenta y cinco años de la historia de Egipto y una radiografía de la sociedad egipcia contemporánea. Cada piso parece representar un estrato de la sociedad y por la novela vemos desfilar a los habitantes más variopintos: aristócratas decadentes, hombres de negocio, políticos corruptos, pobres de solemnida... continue


The Automobile Club of Egypt by Alaa Al Aswany EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Egypt flag Egypt
In British-occupied Egypt, on the eve of the 1952 revolution, respected landowner Abd el-Aziz Gaafar has fallen on hard times. Bankrupt, he moves his family to Cairo and takes a menial job at the Automobile Club, a luxurious lodge for its European members, where Egyptians appear only as fearful servants. When Abd el-Aziz’s pride gets the better of him and he stands up for himself, he is subjected to a corporal punishment that ultimately kills him—leaving two of his sons obliged to work in the Club. As the nation teeters on the brink of change, both servants and masters are subsumed by social u... continue


The Republic of False Truths by Alaa Al Aswany EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Egypt flag Egypt
General Alwany is a pious man who loves his family. He also tortures and kills enemies of the state.Under the regime of Hosni Mubarak, Egypt is gripped by cronyism, religious hypocrisy, and the oppressive military. Now, however, the regime faces its greatest crisis. The idealistic young from different backgrounds - engineers, teachers, medical students, and among them the general's daughter - have come together to challenge the status quo.Euphoria mounts as Mubarak is toppled and love blossoms across class divides, but can it last?'Rooted in first-hand experience, this searing accoun... continue


The Yacoubian Building by Alaa Al Aswany EN

Rating: 4 (7 votes)
Country: Africa / Egypt flag Egypt
Reveals the political corruption, sexual repression, religious extremism, and modern hopes of Egypt today through the lives of several people who live in the Yacoubian building.