Books by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (4)


Die Leiden des jungen Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Dieser Brief-Roman war eine Sensation. Mit ihm wurde der 25-jährige Johann Wolfgang Goethe endgültig zum Star der Literaturszene. Eine ganze Generation, die individuelles Glück jenseits gesellschaftlicher Beschränkungen suchte, fand sich im Schicksal des unglücklichen Werther wieder – der am Ende zum Selbstmörder wird, weil seine schwärmerische Liebe in dieser prosaischen Welt unerfüllt bleiben muss.


Elective Affinities by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
In Elective Affinities Goethe conducts an experiment with the lives of people who are living badly. Charlotte and Eduard, aristocracts with little to occupy them, invite Ottilie and the Captain into their lives; against morality, good sense, and conscious volition all four are drawn into relationships as inexorably as if they were substances in a chemical equation. The novel asks whether we have free will or not; more disturbingly, it confronts its characters with the monstrous consequences of their repression of any real life in themselves. Goethe wrote Elective Affinities when he was sixty a... continue


Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe DE

Rating: 4 (4 votes)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Den store tragedien om alkymisten og filosofen Faust er en av hjørnesteinenei tysk - og europeisk - litteratur. Det sentrale motivet er pakten Faust har inngått med djevelen: Faust skal få hjelp til å nå alle sine mål, men han skal miste sin sjel til det onde dersom han fristes til å holde fast ved øyeblikket og glemmer sin sannhetssøken og streben etter erkjennelse.


The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe EN

Rating: 3 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
"Be on your guard … and take care not to fall in love!" Visiting an idyllic German village, Werther, a sensitive and romantic young man, meets and falls in love with sweet-natured Lotte. Although he realizes that Lotte is to marry Albert, he is unable to subdue his passion for her and his infatuation torments him to the point of absolute despair. The first great ‘confessional’ novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther draws both on Goethe’s own unrequited love for Charlotte Buff and on the death of his friend Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem. The book was an immediate success and a cult rapidly grew up around... continue