Told with gripping intensity, It Would be Night in Caracas chronicles one woman’s desperate battle to survive amid the dangerous, sometimes deadly, turbulence of modern Venezuela and the lengths she must go to secure her future. In Caracas, Venezuela, Adelaida Falcon stands over an open grave. Alone, except for harried undertakers, she buries her mother–the only family Adelaida has ever known. Numb with grief, Adelaida returns to the apartment they shared. Outside the window that she tapes shut every night—to prevent the tear gas raining down on protesters in the streets from seeping inWhen lo... continue
Ernesto Durán sabe que está enfermo. Aunque los resultados clínicos digan lo contrario, desde que se ha separado de su mujer y vive solo, padece todos los síntomas de un mal que, según sospecha, puede ser mortal. Su obsesión va más allá de la mera hipocondría, y tiene la certeza de que sólo hay un médico que puede salvarlo. Pero el elegido, el doctor Andrés Miranda, en esos mismos momentos se enfrenta a una tragedia personal: un diagnóstico irrefutable que señala que su padre tiene cáncer, y le quedan pocas semanas por vivir. Mientras Durán necesita desesperadamente hablar de su caso y de él m... continue
Rodrigo Blanco Calderón has established himself as one of the great voices of Latin American literature with his debut novel The Night, and his short story collection Sacrifices. Simpatía is a suspenseful novel with unexpected twists and turns about the agony of Venezuela and the collapse of Chavismo. Simpatía is set in the Venezuela of Nicolas Maduro amid a mass exodus of the intellectual class who have been leaving their pets behind. Ulises Kan, the protagonist and a movie buff, receives a text message from his wife, Paulina, saying she is leaving the country (and him). Ulises is not heartbr... continue
"Dr. Miranda is coming to terms with a tragedy: his father has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, and has only a few weeks to live. And yet the doctor--the son--finds it impossible to tell him. Ernesto Duran is convinced he is sick. Ever since he separated from his wife he has been presenting symptoms of an illness he believes is killing him. It becomes an obsession far exceeding hypochondria, and when Dr. Miranda gives up responding to his letters and e-mails, Duran resolves to stalk him. The fixationhas its own creeping effect on Miranda's secretary, who cannot, despite her best intentions... continue