Portuguese books from Africa

Recommended Portuguese books (22)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you speak Portuguese here are some Portuguese books from Africa for the next part of the "Read Around The World Challenge".

Um rio chamado tempo, uma casa chamada terra : romance by Mia Couto PT

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
The young man Mariano is returning to his homeland, the island of Luar-do-Chão, for his grandfather's funeral. After years away, he finds himself a stranger in his own home and among his own race. Slowly, he comes to find that he has not returned to the island just for the funeral, but also for his own rebirth, and that of his family. As he tries to retrace his family history, Mariano receives a series of anonymous letters that lead him to investigate the death of his grandfather, and a crime that involves the whole island. He realizes that every inhabitant of the island has something to revea... continue


Venenos de Deus , Remédios do Diabo by Mia Couto PT

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
O jovem médico português Sidónio Rosa, perdido de amores pela mulata moçambicana Deolinda, que conheceu em Lisboa num congresso médico, deslocou-se como cooperante para Moçambique em busca da sua amada. Em Vila Cacimba, onde encontra os pais dela, espera pacientemente que ela regresse do estágio que está a frequentar algures. Mas regressará ela algum dia? Entretanto vão-se-lhe revelando, por entre a névoa que a cobre, os segredos e mistérios, as histórias não contadas de Vila Cacimba - a família dos Sozinhos, Munda e Bartolomeu, o velho marinheiro, o administrador, Suacelência e sua Esposinha,... continue


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