Contemporary fiction genre books (505)


10 Minutes 38 Seconds in this Strange World by Elif Shafak EN

Rating: 4 (16 votes)
Country: Asia / Turkey flag Turkey
'In the first minute following her death, Tequila Leila's consciousness began to ebb, slowly and steadily, like a tide receding from the shore. Her brain cells, having run out of blood, were now completely deprived of oxygen. But they did not shut down. Not right away . . . ' Our brains stay active for ten minutes after our heart stops beating. For Tequila Leila, each minute brings with it a new memory- growing up with her father and his two wives in a grand old house in a quiet Turkish town; watching the women gossip and wax their legs while the men went to mosque; sneaking cigarettes and Wes... continue


10 minutes et 38 secondes dans ce monde étrange by Elif Shafak FR

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Turkey flag Turkey
Et si notre esprit fonctionnait encore quelques instants après notre mort biologique ? 10 minutes et 38 secondes exactement. C'est ce qui arrive à Tequila Leila, prostituée brutalement assassinée dans une rue d'Istanbul. Du fond de la benne à ordures dans laquelle on l'a jetée, elle entreprend alors un voyage vertigineux au gré de ses souvenirs, d'Anatolie jusqu'aux quartiers les plus mal famés de la ville. En retraçant le parcours de cette jeune fille de bonne famille dont le destin a basculé, Elif Shafak nous raconte aussi l'histoire de nombre de femmes dans la Turquie d'aujourd'hui. A l'aff... continue


2666 : A Novel by Roberto Bolaño EN

0 Ratings
A NATIONAL BOOK CRITICS CIRCLE AWARD WINNER New York Times Book Review 10 Best Books of 2008 Time Magazine's Best Book of 2008 Los Angeles Times Best Books of 2008 San Francisco Chronicle's 50 Best Fiction Books of 2008 Seattle Times Best Books of 2008 New York Magazine Top Ten Books of 2008 Three academics on the trail of a reclusive German author; a New York reporter on his first Mexican assignment; a widowed philosopher; a police detective in love with an elusive older woman--these are among the searchers drawn to the border city of Santa Teresa, where over the course of a decade hundreds o... continue


A Castle in the Clouds by Kerstin Gier EN

Rating: 4 (4 votes)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Witty and charming, New York Times bestselling author Kerstin Gier's contemporary young adult novel A Castle in the Clouds follows a girl as she navigates secrets, romance, and danger in an aging grand hotel. Way up in the Swiss mountains, there's an old grand hotel steeped in tradition and faded splendor. Once a year, when the famous New Year's Eve Ball takes place and guests from all over the world arrive, excitement returns to the vast hallways. Sophie, who works at the hotel as an intern, is busy making sure that everything goes according to plan. But unexpected problems keep arising, and ... continue


A fúria : E outros contos by Silvina Ocampo PT

0 Ratings
Os contos de Silvina Ocampo — monstruosos, insólitos, perturbadores, sinistros, irreais — são o tesouro mais bem guardado da literatura latino-americana do século XX. Finalmente vemos chegar ao Brasil um livro de Silvina Ocampo, que está entre os escritores mais surpreendentes e intensos do continente. Publicado em 1959, A fúria é considerado “o mais ocampiano” dos livros de Silvina, obra em que a autora encontra sua voz única e inaugura seu universo alucinado. “Nos seus contos há algo que não consigo compreender: um estranho amor por certa crueldade inocente e oblíqua”, escreveu o amigo Jorge... continue


A gorda : romance by Isabela Figueiredo PT

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
Maria Luísa, a heroína deste romance, é uma bela rapariga, inteligente, boa aluna, voluntariosa e com uma forte personalidade. E é gorda. E isto, esta característica física, incomoda-a de tal modo que coloca tudo o resto em causa. Na adolescência, sofre e aguenta, em silêncio, as piadas e os insultos dos colegas. Fica esquecida, ao lado da mais feia das suas colegas, no baile dos finalistas do colégio. Mas não desiste, não se verga, e vai em frente, gorda, à procura de uma vida que valha a pena viver.


A Natureza da Mordida by Carla Madeira PT

0 Ratings
Biá, uma psicanalista já reformada e apaixonada por livros, aborda a jovem jornalista Olívia, que está devastada por uma perda recente, com uma pergunta agitadora: «O que perdeu que a entristeça tanto?» Olívia, sentada à mesa, aceita a inesperada provocação, bem como o carinho e o interesse daquela mulher, afinal apenas uma estranha, desencadeando-se uma sucessão de encontros marcados por uma galopante intimidade entre as duas mulheres, que aos poucos vão revelando as suas histórias. «A nossa amizade começou assim, enquanto nos afogávamos», relata Olívia. Com uma sensível alternância de vozes,... continue


A Novel to Read on the Train by Dumitru Tsepeneag EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
A director is trying to adapt a short story he once wrote for the screen. The story is about an isolated train station under threat by a giant eagle in a small town where rumors of war are rumbling. But the film shoot is plagued by accidents. The actors and crew don't understand the script. They argue over its meaning and perhaps come to identify with its subject matter a little too closely. Soon enough reality, such as it is, begins to crumble. Roman de Gare is a dreamlike and ominous novel by a great European writer--and the first novel he composed in French.