Travel the world without leaving your chair.
The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world.
All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around North America Challenge" were written by authors from Guatemala.
Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.
Canción by Eduardo Halfon
"Una fría mañana de enero de 1967, en plena guerra civil de Guatemala, un comerciante judío y libanés es secuestrado en un callejón sin salida de la capital. Nadie ignora que Guatemala es un país surrealista, había afirmado años antes. Un narrador llamado Eduardo Halfon tendrá que viajar a Japón, y revisitar su infancia en la Guatemala de los bélicos años setenta, y acudir a un misterioso encuentro en un bar oscuro y lumpen, para finalmente dilucidar los detalles de la vida y el secuestro de aquel hombre que también se llamaba Eduardo Halfon, y que era su abuelo. En este nuevo eslabón de su fa... continue
El señor presidente. Edición Conmemorativa / The President. A Commemorative Edition by Miguel Angel Asturias
Edición conmemorativa de la obra maestra de Miguel Ángel Asturias, Premio Nobel de Literatura. Escrita entre 1920 y 1933 y publicada en 1946, El señor presidente es uno de los máximos exponentes de la llamada «novela del dictador» en la que se encuadran otras obras fundamentales como Yo el Supremo, de Roa Bastos, Tirano Banderas, de Valle-Inclán, El otoño del patriarca, de Gabriel García Márquez, o más recientemente, La Fiesta del Chivo, de Mario Vargas Llosa. En ella, Asturias se inspira en el último gobierno de Manuel Estrada Cabrera, en Guatemala, para explorar los mecanismos que hacen func... continue
I, Rigoberta Menchu : An Indian Woman in Guatemala by Rigoberta Menchu
A Nobel Peace Prize winner reflects on poverty, injustice, and the struggles of Mayan communities in Guatemala, offering “a fascinating and moving description of the culture of an entire people” (The Times) Now a global bestseller, the remarkable life of Rigoberta Menchú, a Guatemalan peasant woman, reflects on the experiences common to many Indian communities in Latin America. Menchú suffered gross injustice and hardship in her early life: her brother, father and mother were murdered by the Guatemalan military. She learned Spanish and turned to catechistic work as an expression of political r... continue
I, Rigoberta Menchú : An Indian Woman in Guatemala by Rigoberta Menchú
Now a global bestseller, the remarkable life of Rigoberta Mench, a Guatemalan peasant woman, reflects on the experiences common to many Indian communities in Latin America. Mench suffered gross injustice and hardship in her early life: her brother, father and mother were murdered by the Guatemalan military. She learned Spanish and turned to catechistic work as an expression of political revolt as well as religious commitment. Mench vividly conveys the traditional beliefs of her community and her personal response to feminist and socialist ideas. Above all, these pages are illuminated by the en... continue
Ita by Mónica Albizúrez, Mónica Albizúrez Gil
Novela finalista del Certamen BAM Letras, 2017 (Guatemala)De pronto, una palabra rara, nunca antes escuchada, define la vida de Ita, una exitosa abogada guatemalteca que atraviesa los supuestos años de madurez de los cuarenta. Esa palabra, fibromialgia, da nombre a la experiencia del dolor que Ita intentará describir y comprender. El dolor del cuerpo conducirá a la protagonista de la novela a recuperar el pasado de su familia, especialmente a descifrar el abandono de la madre, una conocida artista que, por razones oscuras, dejó la carrera en pleno conflicto armado guatemalteco.Recorrer el pasa... continue
Knitting the Fog by Claudia D. Hernández
A young Guatemalan immigrant's adolescence is shaped by her journey to the US, as she grapples with Chapina tradition and American culture.
Legenden aus Guatemala by Miguel Angel Asturias
Die schönsten Legenden von Miguel Angel Asturias, Nobelpreisträger von 1967, sind in diesem Band gesammelt. Sie sind ein Stück Ethnologie, eine einzigartige Symbiose aus Maya-Mythologie, Kindheitserinnerungen und erzählerischer Phantasie.
Men of Maize by Miguel Ángel Asturias
A novel whose time has come: the Nobel Prize–winning author of Mr. President’s visionary epic of ecological devastation, capitalist exploitation, and Indigenous wisdom, now available again for its 75th anniversary with a new introduction and with a foreword by Pulitzer Prize winner Héctor Tobar A Penguin Classic Deep in the mountain forests of Guatemala, a community of Indigenous Mayans—the "men of maize"—serves as stewards to sacred corn crops. When profiteering outsiders encroach on their territory and threaten to abuse the fertile land, they enter a bloody struggle to protect their way of l... continue