Travel the world without leaving your chair.
The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world.
All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Europe Challenge" were written by authors from Portugal.
Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.
A chama de Adrião Blávio by Joana M. Lopes,
Adrião Blávio, um solitário vigilante nocturno de um museu de arte, fica misteriosamente paralisado, passando a viver isolado num quarto de hospital. É neste espaço de confinamento que descobre a existência de uma mulher chamada Lázara, vítima da mesma estranha enfermidade. A partir dessa descoberta começa a sonhar e a ouvir a voz dessa mulher, com quem passa a conversar e por quem se apaixona. A expectativa da salvação das garras da doença, os sonhos e planos para um futuro partilhado com Lázara, s&atild... continue
All the Names by José Saramago
When a drone in the Central Registry discovers a stray unfiled birth certificate, he decides to investigate the identity of the woman--the first step in an obsession that will lead him to her. By the Nobel Prize-winning author of Blindness. Reader's Guide included. Reprint. 60,000 first printing.
Auto da barca do inferno by Gil Vicente
Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Embora tenha sido escrita na época das grandes descobertas, esta obra surgiu sem deslumbramentos: para Gil Vicente, o progresso sem ética era uma ilusão. Frente à Reforma Protestante, este auto traz a alegoria do Juízo Final como uma resposta católica ao debate cultural de seu tempo. Apesar da austeridade na defesa de certos valores religiosos, a obra permanece atual, sobretudo pela leitura sarcástica das instituições sociais.
Baltasar and Blimunda by Jose Saramago
In early eighteenth-century Lisbon, Baltasar, a soldier who has lost his left hand in battle, falls in love with Blimunda, a young girl with visionary powers. From the day that he follows her home from the auto-da-fe where women are burned at the stake, the two are bound body and soul by love of an unassailable strength. A third party shares their supper that evening: Padre Bartolomeu Lourenco, whose fantasy is to invent a flying machine. As the Crown and the Church clash, they purse his impossible, not to mention heretical, dream of flight.