Travel the world without leaving your chair.
The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world.
All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Europe Challenge" were written by authors from Albania.
Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.
Abril despedaçado by Ismail Kadare
O jovem montanhês Gjorg Berisha dá um tiro de fuzil e "toma o sangue" de Zef Kryeqyq. É A quadragésima quinta morte de uma vendeta iniciada setenta anos antes, quando um desconhecido foi vítima de um Kryeqyq depois de ser acolhido pelo clã dos Berisha. A Matança entre as duas famílias é uma imposição do Kanun, código moral que há séculos é transmitido de boca em boca nas montanhas albanesas (assim como na região de Kossovo).COm rigor de antropólogo, Ismail Kadaré vai ao fundo dessa fantástica codificação do assassinato como direito e dever e extrai de lá toda a fúria das tragédias. TÃo minucio... continue
Agamemnon's Daughter : A Novella and Stories by Ismail Kadare
Rating: 2.5 (2 votes)
In the title novella, a young man working for the state-controlled media agency experiences a vision of the ancient general Agamemnon, who warns him of the repercussions of his love affair with a high-ranking official's daughter, in a collection that also includes the short stories "The Blinding Order" and "The Great Wall."
Avril Brisé by Ismail Kadaré
Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Deux histoires s'entrecroisent ici: celle de Gjorg, le jeune montagnard qui vient de venger la mort de son frère et qui attend le châtiment selon les termes du Kanun, et celle d'un jeune couple en voyage de noces, venu dans cette mème région pour étudier les coutumes ancestrales et sanglantes de cette vendetta d'honneur. L'action a beau se situer au début du xxe siècle, la vie sur les hauts plateaux d'Albanie nous enfonce dans le Moyen Age. Le choc est si grand pour la jeune mariée qu'il sera fatal à son bonheur. Et cette expérience tragique va faire basculer son époux, écrivain mondain, dans ... continue
Broken April by Ismail Kadare
Gjorg is a young mountaineer who (much against his will) has just killed a man in order to avenge the death of his older brother, and who expects to be killed himself in accordance with the Code that regulates life in the Albanian highlands. A young couple on their honeymoon has come to this place to study its age-old customs-including the blood feud. In Broken April, Ismail Kadare intersects the fates of both Gjorg and the young couple with visions of an unending cycle of obligatory murder and the horrifying effects it has on their respective lives. "Dostoevskian in its dark vision."--Kirkus ... continue
Chronicle in Stone by Ismail Kadare
Masterful in its simplicity, Chronicle in Stone is a touching coming-of-age story and a testament to the perseverance of the human spirit. Surrounded by the magic of beautiful women and literature, a boy must endure the deprivations of war as he suffers the hardships of growing up. His sleepy country has just thrown off centuries of tyranny, but new waves of domination inundate his city. Through the boy’s eyes, we see the terrors of World War II as he witnesses fascist invasions, allied bombings, partisan infighting, and the many faces of human cruelty—as well as the simple pleasures of life. ... continue
Der zerrissene April by Ismail Kadare
Ismail Kadare erzählt die Geschichte der albanischen Blutrache, die gemäß einem tausendjährigen Gesetz noch bis in die siebziger Jahre gültig war und öffnet uns eine Welt von Legenden und Mythen, die sonst nirgends auf der Welt mehr existieren.
Doruntine by Ismail Kadare
...a magical parable of love, death and the power of familial bonds. -Stephen Salisbury, New York Times Book Review
El palacio de los sueños by Ismaíl Kadaré
La construcción fabulosa de una especie de reino de la muerte, de un infierno en el que los sueños y el inconsciente colectivo son analizados y censurados, se convierte en una de las mejores alegorías del poder totalitario de Ismaíl Kadaré, así como uno de sus más perfectos logros narrativos. El joven Mark-Alem, vástago de los Quyprilli, influyente familia de procedencia albanesa, y promotora de importantes reformas en el seno del Imperio Otomano, consigue un atractivo puesto de funcionario en EL PALACIO DE LOS SUEÑOS, inquietante organismo estatal al que cada ciudadano está obligado a enviar ... continue