Argentina flag Books from Argentina

121 popular argentinian books
Travel the world without leaving your chair. The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world. All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around South America Challenge" were written by authors from Argentina. Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.


Jaguar’s Tomb by Angélica Gorodischer EN

0 Ratings
Jaguars' Tomb is a novel in three parts, written by three interconnected characters. Part one, "Hidden Variables" by María Celina Igarzábal, is narrated by Bruno Seguer. Seguer in turn is the author of the second part, "Recounting from Zero" ("Contar desde zero"), in which Evelynne Harrington, author of the third, is a central character. Harrington, finally, is the author of "Uncertainty" ("La incertidumbre"), whose protagonist is the dying Igarzábal. Each of the three parts revolves around the octagonal room that is alternately the jaguars' tomb, the central space of the torture center, and t... continue


Kalpa Imperial : The Greatest Empire that Never was by Angélica Gorodischer EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
This is the first of Argentinean writer Angelica Gorodischer's nineteen award-winning books to be translated into English. In eleven chapters, Kalpa Imperial's multiple storytellers relate the story of a fabled nameless empire which has risen and fallen innumerable times. Fairy tales, oral histories and political commentaries are all woven tapestry-style into Kalpa Imperial: beggars become emperors, democracies become dictatorships, and history becomes legends and stories. But this is much more than a simple political allegory or fable. It is also a celebration of the power of storytelling. Go... continue


Kamchatka by Marcelo Figueras EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
In 1976, a young boy flees Buenos Aires with his opposition-supporting family, renames himself after his hero Harry Houdini, and dedicates his time in exile to mastering his role model's escape artistry.


Kill the Next One by Federico Axat EN

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An audacious psychological thriller where nothing is what it seems. Ted McKay had it all: a beautiful wife, two daughters, a high-paying job. But after being diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor he finds himself with a gun to his temple, ready to pull the trigger. Then the doorbell rings. A stranger makes him a proposition: why not kill two deserving men before dying? The first target is a criminal, and the second is a man with terminal cancer who, like Ted, wants to die. After executing these kills, Ted will become someone else's next target, like a kind of suicidal daisy chain. Ted understa... continue


Kiss of the Spider Woman by Manuel Puig EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Sometimes they talk all night long. In the still darkness of their cell, Molina re-weaves the glittering and fragile stories of the film he loves, and the cynical Valentin listens. Valentin believes in the just cause which makes all suffering bearable; Molina believes in the magic of love which makes all else endurable. Each has always been alone, and always - especially now - in danger of betrayal. But in cell 7 each surrenders to the other something of himself that he has never surrendered before.


La casa by Manuel Mujica Lainez ES

0 Ratings
La casa de la calle Florida, lacerada por la demolicion, busca en el recuerdo su resplandor perdido y nos cuenta su historia, entretejida con la de aquellos que la han habitado y con las voces de los objetos que la pueblan. Testigo de amores furtivos y traiciones, sus cimientos se estremecen al revivir el fraticidio consumado en el balcon una lejana noche de carnaval, o al recordar las pasiones clandestinas duplicadas en los espejos.Y asi, abandonada por sus moradores ilustres, su cuerpo dormido acoge, en un ultimo intento por retener la antigua nobleza, a los espectros del Caballero gris y de... continue


La filosofía de Mafalda / The Philosophy of Mafalda by Quino ES

Rating: 4 (4 votes)
El pensamiento vivo de Mafalda, «una heroína de nuestro tiempo» (Umberto Eco) «La filosofía de Mafalda, ya un clásico, supone la vuelta en tiras esta primavera de la "hija" de Quino. Los bocados mafaldinos son un trago de humor negro pero siempre con un punto soñador que ayuda a refrescar el viaje. [...] Mafalda nos columpia de la carencia al ideal para traernos siempre de vuelta a la realidad. La suya es una filosofía en pequeñas dosis para aprender a aterrizar.» —Ana Abelenda, La Voz de Galicia Podrían decirse muchas sutilezas del mundo, pero hay que reconocer que a menudo puede parecer un i... continue


La hermana menor: Un retrato de Silvina Ocampo by Mariana Enriquez ES

0 Ratings
En este libro, Mariana Enriquez, a través de una enorme cantidad de fuentes bibliográficas y testimonios de amigos, críticos, parientes y albaceas de Silvina Ocampo, cuestiona los mitos, descorre el velo sobre los secretos y mira con una intensidad única la vida de quien vivió con el afán de permanecer oculta. El resultado es el retrato emocionante de una mujer entrañable y oscura, inteligente y suavemente perversa, dueña de una imaginación desaforada (y de unas piernas espectaculares), a quien hoy se considera una de las mejores cuentistas del Río de la Plata.


La invención de Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares ES

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
La invención de Morel narra una extraña historia de amor protagonizada por un hombre y una mujer que viven existencias incompatibles en espacios y tiempos rivales. En ella, el talento de Adolfo Bioy Casares despliega una odisea de prodigios que, si en un primer momento no parecen admitir otra clave que la alucinación o el símbolo, son luego plenamente descifrados mediante un solo postulado fantástico, pero no sobrenatural.


La novela de Perón by Tomás Eloy Martínez ES

0 Ratings
El 20 de junio de 1973, el General Juan Domingo Perón regresa a Argentina tras dieciocho años de exilio. Le acompañan su esposa, José López Rega, oscuro intrigante surgido de la nada, y un numeroso séquito. En Madrid deja años de desprecio del régimen de Franco y el recuerdo de una triunfal Eva Perón cuyo cadáver momificado descansa en su propia casa. Con él lleva unas memorias inacabadas con las que quiere dejar una visión napoleónica de sí mismo. Más de dos millones de personas, la mayor ... continue


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