Travel the world without leaving your chair.
The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world.
All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Africa Challenge" were written by authors from Eritrea.
Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.
African Titanics by Abu Bakr Kahal
African Titanics tells the tale of the African boat people, their perilous journey north and the "migration bug".
De laatste zomer in de stad by Gianfranco Calligarich
Loser Leo Gazzara leeft in Rome op de 'kliekjes' van anderen: rotbaantjes, een geleend flatje, de afgedankte vriendinnen, maar dan wordt hij verliefd op de verknipte Arianna, waarmee zijn poging tot afzijdig blijven in gevaar komt.
Gratitude in Low Voices : A Memoir by Dawit Gebremichael Habte
“A candid, inspiring memoir of cultural and historical importance” from an Eritrean-Ethiopian War refugee (Michael Bloomberg). Dawit Gebremichael Habte fled his homeland of Eritrea as a teenager. In the midst of the ongoing Eritrean-Ethiopian war, Dawit and his sisters crossed illegally into Kenya. Without their parents or documents to help their passage, they experienced the abuse and neglect known by so many refugees around the world. But Dawit refused to give up. He stayed resilient and positive. Journeying to the United States under asylum—and still a boy—Dawit found a new purpose in an un... continue
Ich bin am Leben by Yirgalem Fisseha Mebrahtu
Yirgalem Fisseha Mebrahtu ist eine in Eritrea bekannte Journalistin, Dichterin und Schriftstellerin, die bis zu ihrer Verhaftung 2009 Programmdirektorin des Bildungssenders Radio Bana war. Sie saß sechs Jahre ohne Anklage und Gerichtsverfahren im Militärgefängnis Mai Serwa, wo sie Verhören und körperlicher Folter ausgesetzt war. Nach einer weiteren Verhaftung 2016/2017 gelang ihr 2018 die Flucht nach Uganda. Sie hat bereits vor ihrer Inhaftierung mehr als 110 Gedichte geschrieben, die in privaten und regierungsnahen Zeitungen veröffentlicht worden waren. Die meis... continue
Las consecuencias del amor by Sulaiman Addonia
El joven Naser sueña con enamorarse de una muchacha de su edad, un riesgo considerable en Arabia Saudí, un país donde las relaciones entre un hombre y una mujer solteros están terminantemente prohibidas y severamente castigadas.Un día, mientras descansa bajo la sombra de su árbol favorito, una desconocida deja a sus pies una nota perfumada. La joven huye corriendo y él sólo consigue ver sus zapatos, de un rosa intenso.A partir de entonces, tanto Fiore como Naser viven únicamente para intercambiarse cartas de amor. Su pasión les arrastra hasta el punto de poner en peligro sus vidas.
Last Summer in the City : A Novel by Gianfranco Calligarich
The first novel from award-winning author Gianfranco Calligarich to be published in English, Last Summer in the City is a witty and despairing classic of Italian literature. Biting, tragic, and endlessly quotable, this translated edition features an introductory appreciation from longtime fan New York Times bestselling author André Aciman. In a city smothering under the summer sun and an overdose of la dolce vita, Leo Gazarra spends his time in an alcoholic haze, bouncing between run-down hotels and the homes of his rich and well-educated friends, without whom he would probably starve. At thir... continue