Jamaica flag Business books from Jamaica

Recommended business books (1)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you are into business here are some business books from Jamaica for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.


No More Duct Tape Fundraising : The Nonprofit Leader's Guide to Becoming an Inspirational Fundraiser by Rachel Ramjattan EN

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Raise Money to Fully Fund Your Nonprofit's Programs As the executive director of a nonprofit, the reality of being responsible for raising money to keep your programs operating is overwhelming. You keep it together, but often you just want a fundraising coach and a team to help, so you don't have to worry about turning people away or running out of money. Rachel Ramjattan, a national fundraiser with decades of experience fundraising, understands how you feel. In No More Duct Tape Fundraising Rachel walks you through the eight-step process she uses to raise money efficiently and build a fundrai... continue