Norway flag Norwegian books from Norway

Recommended Norwegian books written by authors from Norway (5)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you speak Norwegian here are some Norwegian books from Norway for the next part of the "Read Around The World Challenge".


Gjestene by Agnes Ravatn NO

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Norway flag Norway

Kvinnenes by: en feministisk guide til Oslo

Kvinnenes by: en feministisk guide til Oslo by Marta Breen, Helene Uri, Hilde Østby NO

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Norway flag Norway
Oslo er en by i forandring. Bare i løpet av det siste tiåret har en rekke nye områder, bydeler og signalbygg dukket opp. Men en ting ser ut til å holde seg stabilt - mannsdominansen. Det er fremdeles åtte ganger flere menn enn kvinner som har fått en gate oppkalt etter seg i hovedstaden, og de fleste byster og statuer forestiller menn. I denne feministiske guiden kan du lære om kvinnenes som allerede har fått gater oppkalt etter seg. For hvem var egentlig Anne Pleym på Stovner? Eller Erika Nissen på Torshov?Og hvorfor har Ruth Reeses... continue


Menneskefluene (The human flies) by Hans Olav Lahlum NO

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Norway flag Norway
This is the first mystery in the hugely compelling, bestselling Norwegian crime series. Oslo, 1968. Ambitious young detective Inspector Kolbjorn Kristiansen is called to an apartment block, where a man has been found murdered. The victim, Harald Olesen, was a legendary hero of the Resistance during the Nazi occupation and at first it is difficult to imagine who could have wanted him dead. But as Detective Inspector Kolbjorn Kristiansen (known as K2) begins to investigate, it seems clear that the murderer could only be one of Olesen's fellow tenants in the building. Soon, with the help of ... continue