Nicaragua flag Historical fiction books from Nicaragua

Recommended historical fiction books (4)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you are into historical fiction here are some historical fiction books from Nicaragua for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.


Ashes of Izalco by Claribel Alegra, Darwin J. Flakoll EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
A novel that blends politics, history and romance with unfailing gentleness, unforeseeable, explosive events determine the actions of the characters but never interrupt the work's lyrical structure. Carmen Rojas, the heroine, was a child when, in 1932, she witnessed the brutality of the El Salvadoran National Guard, who murdered 30,000 rioting peasants. The tragedy shapes her political consciousness, and, although she marries an American and lives in Washington, D.C., she cannot escape its memory. Thirty years later, she returns home to attend her mother's funeral and to care for her sickly fa... continue


El país de las mujeres by Gioconda Belli ES

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Un hipotetico pais latinoamericano es gobernado por una mujer. Relata la historia del Partido de la Izquierda Erotica (PIE). Un gobierno unico compuesto exclusivamente por mujeres.


Infinity in the Palm of Her Hand : A Novel of Adam and Eve by Gioconda Belli EN

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In a novel based on the Bible and ancient traditions, Adam and Eve discover the world around them, react to their punishment, and learn to adjust to the outside world, where it is necessary to kill to survive.


Luisa in Realityland by Claribel Alegría, Pedro Caubet, Darwin Flakoll, Erik Flakoll EN

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Claribel Alegria combines poetry, fiction, and historical narrative about her early childhood in Santa Ana, El Salvador.