Popular African Biography Books

Find biography books written by authors from Africa for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge. (48)


El nen negre by Camara Laye CA

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Country: Africa / Guinea flag Guinea
Un jove escriptor de 25 anys decideix narrar la seva infantesa africana, a l'Alta Guinea. Però, més enllà d'un relat autobiogràfic, ens retorna, amb tota la seva veritat, la vida quotidiana, les tradicions i els costums de tot un poble. Amb aquest Nen negre, Camara Laye ens ofereix un llibre intemporal ple de finor i de talent que recull, en un text fluid i delicat, tota la mitologia africana i la plena capacitat poètica de la vida captada amb els ulls transparents i innocents d'un noi.

Going to the Mountain

Going to the Mountain : Life Lessons from My Grandfather, Nelson Mandela by Ndaba Mandela EN

0 Ratings
The first-ever book to tell Nelson Mandela's life through the eyes of the grandson who was raised by him, chronicling Ndaba Mandela's life living with, and learning from, one of the greatest leaders and humanitarians the world has ever known. To the rest of the world, Nelson Mandela was a giant: an anti-apartheid revolutionary, a world-renowned humanitarian, and South Africa's first black president. To Ndaba Mandela, he was simply "Granddad." In Going to the Mountain, Ndaba tells how he came to live with Mandela shortly after he turned eleven--having met each other only once, years before, whe... continue


How Dare The Sun Rise by Sandra Uwiringiyimana EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Junior Library Guild Selection * New York Public Library's Best Books for Teens * Goodreads Choice Awards Nonfiction Finalist * Chicago Public Library’s Best of the Best Books for Teens: Nonfiction * 2018 Texas Topaz Nonfiction List * YALSA's 2018 Quick Picks List * Bank Street's 2018 Best Books of the Year “This gut-wrenching, poetic memoir reminds us that no life story can be reduced to the word ‘refugee.’" —New York Times Book Review “A critical piece of literature, contributing to the larger refugee narrative in a way that is complex and nuanced.” —School Library Journal (starred review) T... continue


I Am Not Your Slave : A Memoir by Tupa Tjipombo, Chris Lockhart EN

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Country: Africa / Namibia flag Namibia
I am Not Your Slave is the shocking true story of a young African girl, Tupa, who was abducted from southwestern Africa and funneled through an extensive yet almost completely unknown human trafficking network spanning the entire African continent. As she is transported from the point of her abduction on a remote farm near the Namibian-Angolan border and channeled to her ultimate destination in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, her three-year odyssey exposes the brutal horrors of a modern day middle passage. During her ordeal, Tupa encounters members of Africa's notorious gangs, terrifying wi... continue


Kleiner Bruder : Die Geschichte meiner Suche by Ibrahima Balde, Amets Arzallus DE

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Country: Africa / Guinea flag Guinea
Als sein kleiner Bruder verschwindet und alles darauf hindeutet, dass er die gefährliche Reise nach Europa angetreten hat, macht sich Ibrahima auf die Suche. Und erfährt am eigenen Leib, was der Traum von einem Leben in Europa für so viele junge Männer in Afrika bedeutet: Unsicherheit, Gewalt, Ausbeutung, Einsamkeit, Verzweiflung. Ibrahima wird geschlagen, erniedrigt, verkauft, doch zur gleichen Zeit erlebt er den Zusammenhalt, die Hoffnung und die felsenfeste Zuversicht einer Schicksalsgemeinschaft, und schafft es schließlich nach Spanien, wo er seine eigene Stimme f... continue


L'enfant noir by Camara Laye FR

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Guinea flag Guinea
Décryptez L’Enfant noir de Camara Laye avec l’analyse du PetitLitteraire.fr ! Que faut-il retenir de L’Enfant noir, le roman autobiographique fondateur de la littérature africaine contemporaine ? Retrouvez tout ce que vous devez savoir sur cette œuvre dans une analyse complète et détaillée. Vous trouverez notamment dans cette fiche : • Un résumé complet • Une présentation des personnages principaux tels que Camara Laye, son père et sa mère • Une analyse des spécificités de l’œuvre : le genre autobiographique et ses caractéristiques, les difficultés de l'autobiographie et les fonctions de celle... continue


Les jardins du roi : Oufkir, Hassan II et nous by Fatéma Oufkir FR

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Morocco flag Morocco
En 1991, Fatéma Oufkir et ses enfants recouvrent la liberté, après dix-neuf ans d'une détention inique. Leur crime ? Avoir eu pour mari et pour père le général Oufkir, ministre de l'Intérieur marocain, " suicidé " en 1972 à l'issue d'un putsch manqué contre le roi Hassan Il. Un destin qu'était loin d'imaginer l'adolescente Fatéma, lorsque, dans les années 50, ce jeune Officier, farouche partisan de l'indépendance, la demanda en mariage. Après l'accession au trône de Mohammed V, Fatéma devient l'une des personnalités choyées de la cour, en tant qu'épouse d'un des plus grands serviteurs de l'Eta... continue


Little Brother : A Refugee's Odyssey by Ibrahima Balde, Amets Arzallus Antia EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Guinea flag Guinea
Based on the author's own life, this heartbreaking novel about an African migrant takes you inside the refugee crisis—for readers of The Lost Children's Archive and The Girl with the Louding Voice. Ibrahima is still a boy when his father dies, but as the eldest son he must leave their home village in the Guinean countryside in search of work to support his family. Eventually apprenticed to a trucker in the capital, he learns that his younger brother has dropped out of school and fled to Libya to pursue the dream of finding work in Europe. Leaving behind everything, Ibrahima sets off with the a... continue


Long Walk to Freedom : The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela by Nelson Mandela EN

Rating: 5 (8 votes)
The riveting memoirs of the outstanding moral and political leader of our time, A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM brilliantly re-creates the drama of the experiences that helped shape Nelson Mandela's destiny. Emotive, compelling and uplifting, A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM is the exhilarating story of an epic life; a story of hardship, resilience and ultimate triumph told with the clarity and eloquence of a born leader. 'Burns with the luminosity of faith in the invincible nature of human hope and dignity ... Unforgettable' Andre Brink 'Enthralling ... Mandela emulates the few great political leaders such as L... continue


Mighty Be Our Powers : How Sisterhood, Prayer, and Sex Changed a Nation at War by Leymah Gbowee EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Liberia flag Liberia
Recounts the experiences of a Liberian activist as she discusses how she united Christian and Muslim women to campaign for an end to war in her nation.