Popular South American Contemporary Fiction Books

Find contemporary fiction books written by authors from South America for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge. (41)


Cowboy Graves by Roberto Bolaño EN

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One more journey to the universe of Roberto Bolaño, an essential voice of contemporary Latin American literature Cowboy Graves is an unexpected treasure from the vault of a revolutionary talent. Roberto Bolaño's boundless imagination and seemingly inexhaustible gift for shaping the chaos of his reality into fiction is unmistakable in these three novellas. In "Cowboy Graves," Arturo Belano--Bolaño's alter ego--returns to Chile after the coup to fight with his comrades for socialism. "French Comedy of Horrors" takes the reader to French Guiana on the night after an eclipse where a seventeen year... continue


Dias de se fazer silêncio by Camila Maccari PT

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"Camila Maccari: eis uma autora excepcional, que detém por completo o domínio da história e sabe como contá-la, usando uma linguagem dotada de conotação nos momentos certos e de forte realismo quando necessário. Digo com a segurança de quem muito leu e muito ensinou: Dias de se fazer silêncio ficará como um marco na atual literatura brasileira por razão de sua força dramática e por sua intensa e inesquecível literatura. " Luiz Antonio de Assis Brasil Maria é apenas uma criança e enfrenta um turbilhão de sentimentos. Terá de lidar não só com o silêncio compulsório dentro de casa, mas com a doen... continue


Eartheater by Dolores Reyes ES

Rating: 3 (6 votes)
Electrifying and provocative, visceral and profound, a powerful literary debut novel about a young woman whose compulsion to eat earth gives her visions of murdered and missing people--an imaginative synthesis of mystery and magical realism that explores the dark tragedies of ordinary lives. Set in an unnamed slum in contemporary Argentina, Earth-eater is the story of a young woman who finds herself drawn to eating the earth--a compulsion that gives her visions of broken and lost lives. With her first taste of dirt, she learns the horrifying truth of her mother's death. Disturbed by what she w... continue


Ela se chama Rodolfo by Julia Dantas PT

0 Ratings
Murilo acaba de se mudar para um apartamento no qual a antiga moradora, Francesca, deixou uma tartaruga. Seguindo ordens recebidas por e-mail, tenta entregar o animal por meia Porto Alegre. A peregrinação parece inocente, mas a escritora Julia Dantas sabe que não há nada mais radical e transformador do que o encontro entre pessoas, quando minimamente desarmadas. Comovente, espirituoso, inesperado, o segundo romance da autora é narrado de forma tão firme que poderia ser utilizado em aulas sobre como contar uma história, criar cenas perfeitas, com... continue


Eleven Minutes : A Novel by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Eleven Minutes is the story of Maria, a young girl from a Brazilian village, whose first innocent brushes with love leave her heartbroken. At a tender age, she becomes convinced that she will never find true love, instead believing that "love is a terrible thing that will make you suffer. . . ." A chance meeting in Rio takes her to Geneva, where she dreams of finding fame and fortune. Maria's despairing view of love is put to the test when she meets a handsome young painter. In this odyssey of self-discovery, Maria has to choose between pursuing a path of darkness -- sexual pleasure for its ow... continue


It Would Be Night in Caracas by Karina Sainz Borgo EN

Rating: 4 (9 votes)
Told with gripping intensity, It Would be Night in Caracas chronicles one woman’s desperate battle to survive amid the dangerous, sometimes deadly, turbulence of modern Venezuela and the lengths she must go to secure her future. In Caracas, Venezuela, Adelaida Falcon stands over an open grave. Alone, except for harried undertakers, she buries her mother–the only family Adelaida has ever known. Numb with grief, Adelaida returns to the apartment they shared. Outside the window that she tapes shut every night—to prevent the tear gas raining down on protesters in the streets from seeping inWhen lo... continue


Jawbone by Mónica Ojeda EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
"Was desire something like being possessed by a nightmare?" Fernanda and Annelise are so close they are practically sisters: a double image, inseparable. So how does Fernanda end up bound on the floor of an abandoned cabin, kidnapped by one of her teachers and estranged from Annelise? When Fernanda, Annelise, and their friends from Opus Dei Delta Academy for Girls convene after school, Annelise always spins the scariest stories and devises the riskiest games. Wearing her crocodile-jawbone crown, she leads them in rituals to her invented god: the rhinestone-encrusted firefly, the wandering womb... continue


Jawbone by Mónica Ojeda ES

Rating: 3 (4 votes)
"Was desire something like being possessed by a nightmare?" Fernanda and Annelise are so close they are practically sisters: a double image, inseparable. So how does Fernanda end up bound on the floor of an abandoned cabin, kidnapped by one of her teachers and estranged from Annelise? When Fernanda, Annelise, and their friends from Opus Dei Delta Academy for Girls convene after school, Annelise always spins the scariest stories and devises the riskiest games. Wearing her crocodile-jawbone crown, she leads them in rituals to her invented god: the rhinestone-encrusted firefly, the wandering womb... continue


Las voladoras by Mónica Ojeda PT

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Mónica Ojeda tem sido reconhecida por seu modo peculiar de narrar o horror. Nesse sentido, em entrevista à jornalista Andrea Aguilar para o El país, a autora defende: a geografia determina a forma como se vê e como se conta o mundo. Este conjunto de oito contos parte da geografia avassaladora dos Andes equatorianos e aborda, impiedosamente, questões que passam pelas relações de amizade, de vizinhança e familiares em geral, atravessadas por elementos como a sexualidade, a violência, a dor, a vida e a morte. Em Voladoras , encontramos criaturas que sobem nos telhados de suas casas e voam, terrem... continue


Les Malaquias by Andréa Del fuego FR

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Nuit d’orage dans la Serra Morena - la « montagne impraticable » du Brésil. La foudre s’abat sur une maison, ne laissant aucune chance au couple endormi. Leurs trois enfants, en revanche, survivent. L’aîné est embauché dans l’exploitation de café voisine. La fille est adoptée par une riche Arabe de Rio de Janeiro. Pour le benjamin, les difficultés ne font que commencer : se révélant atteint de nanisme, il ne quittera jamais l’orphelinat tenu par des religieuses françaises. Une fois adulte, la fratrie va chercher à se retrouver. Leurs vies se construisent, se croisent et se chevauchent, bouscul... continue