Historical fiction books set in France (25)

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Germinal by Emile Zola EN

Rating: 4 (5 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
The thirteenth novel in Émile Zola’s great Rougon-Macquart sequence, Germinal expresses outrage at the exploitation of the many by the few, but also shows humanity’s capacity for compassion and hope. Etienne Lantier, an unemployed railway worker, is a clever but uneducated young man with a dangerous temper. Forced to take a back-breaking job at Le Voreux mine when he cannot get other work, he discovers that his fellow miners are ill, hungry, and in debt, unable to feed and clothe their families. When conditions in the mining community deteriorate even further, Lantier finds himself leading a s... continue


The Black Sheep by Honore de Balzac, Honore Balzac EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
Philippe and Joseph Bridau are two extremely different brothers. The elder, Philippe, is a superficially heroic soldier and adored by their mother Agathe. He is nonetheless a bitter figure, secretly gambling away her savings after a brief but glorious career in Napoleon’s army. His younger brother Joseph, meanwhile, is fundamentally virtuous - but their mother is blinded to his kindness by her disapproval of his life as an artist. Foolish and prejudiced, Agathe lives on unaware that she is being cynically manipulated by her own favourite child, but will she ever discover which of her sons is t... continue


Les Miserables by Victor Hugo EN

Rating: 5 (11 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
A thrilling tale of narrow escapes, romance in the midst of a revolution, and heroism at Waterloo, this classic forms a parable of a morally empty state that values retribution rather than justice.


Le Grand Meaulnes by Alain-Fournier FR

Rating: 3.5 (6 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
The classic French novel written by a soldier, who would later die during World War I, tells the story of Auguste Meaulnes and the "domain mysterieux."


Dram Shop by Émile Zola EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Focuses on the Paris taverns, presenting a tragedy of working-class people in slums. The work was influenced by theories of heredity/experimental science. The behaviour of the families is shown to be conditioned by environment/inherited characteristics, chiefly drunkenness and mental instability.


I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem by Maryse Condé EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
CARAF Books: Caribbean and African Literature Translated from FrenchThis book has been supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent federal agencY


In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
The first installment of the French author's multivolume autobiographical novel, originally published in 1913, in which he recalls his childhood and first infatuation.


Inseparable : A Never-Before-Published Novel by Simone de Beauvoir EN

Rating: 4 (4 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
A never-before-published novel by the iconic Simone de Beauvoir of an intense and vivid girlhood friendship From the moment Sylvie and Andrée meet in their Parisian day school, they see in each other an accomplice with whom to confront the mysteries of girlhood. For the next ten years, the two are the closest of friends and confidantes as they explore life in a post-World War One France, and as Andrée becomes increasingly reckless and rebellious, edging closer to peril. Sylvie, insightful and observant, sees a France of clashing ideals and religious hypocrisy--and at an early age is determined... continue


La porte du voyage sans retour by David Diop FR

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
"La porte du voyage sans retour" est le surnom donné à l'île de Gorée, d'où sont partis des millions d'Africains au temps de la traite des Noirs. C'est dans ce qui est en 1750 une concession française qu'un jeune homme débarque, venu au Sénégal pour étudier la flore locale. Botaniste, il caresse le rêve d'établir une encyclopédie universelle du vivant, en un siècle où l'heure est aux Lumières. Lorsqu'il a vent de l'histoire d'une jeune Africaine promise à l'esclavage et qui serait parvenue à s'évader, trouvant refuge quelque part aux confins de la terre sénégalaise, son voyage et son destin ba... continue


Notre Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo EN

Rating: 5 (5 votes)
Country: Europe / France flag France
This translation of Notre-Dame de Paris offers Victor Hugo's epic view of mankind's history, which assumes even more importance than the novel's compelling story.


Nana by Emile Zola DE

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
„Aufstieg von der Straßenprostituierten zum Mitglied der Pariser Society: Was heute schon mehr oder minder unmöglich wäre, gestaltete sich 1880 nicht leichter. In Zolas Roman gelingt es Nana dennoch. Als sie ihre Sexualität instrumentalisiert um die höheren Stände aus Politik und Presse zu infiltrieren, muss sie feststellen, dass deren Lasterhaftigkeit und Heuchelei grenzenlos ist.“ Redaktion Gröls-Verlag (Edition Werke der Weltliteratur)


Les trois mousquetaires by Alexandre Dumas FR

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
Les aventures de d’Artagnan et de ses trois célèbres acolytes, Athos, Porthos et Aramis, ce sont avant tout la vaillance et le panache, un débordement d’énergie et d’audace, de la romance et de la comédie qui virent parfois à la tragédie quand, au détour d’une page, se profile la silhouette de l’inquiétante Milady... Des générations de lecteurs ont été subjuguées par Les Trois Mousquetaires où Dumas, avec une incomparable puissance dramatique, mêle à la fiction l’histoire et aux êtres imaginaires des personnages réels, pour faire revivre avec brio la tumultueuse époque du règne de Louis XIII.... continue


Island of Shattered Dreams by Chantal T. Spitz EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Island of Shattered Dreams is the first ever novel by an indigenous Tahitian writer. In a lyrical and immensely moving style, this book combines a family saga and a doomed love story, set against the background of French Polynesia in the period leading up to the first nuclear tests. The text is highly critical of the French government, and as a result its publication in Tahiti was polarising.


All Men Want to Know by Nina Bouraoui EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
'Intense, gorgeous, troubling, seductive - a novel that has to be surrendered to rather than read' Sarah Waters AN INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER WINNER OF AN ENGLISH PEN TRANSLATES AWARD All Men Want to Know traces Nina Bouraoui's blissful childhood in Algeria, a wild, sun-soaked paradise, with hazy summer afternoons spent swimming, diving, and driving across the desert. Her mother is French, her father Algerian; when racial tensions begin to surface in their neighbourhood, her mother suffers an unspeakable act of violence that forces the family to flee the country. In Paris, eighteen-year-old Nina... continue


L'étrangère by Valérie Toranian FR

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
"Elle tricote. Je sors mon carnet. - Raconte-moi précisément ce qui s'est passé dans les convois... - Plus tard... Je rêve de recueillir cette histoire qui est aussi la mienne et elle s'y oppose comme une gamine butée. - Quand plus tard ? - Quand tu auras eu ton bébé". Aravni garde farouchement le silence sur son passé. Sa petite-fille, Valérie, aimerait pourtant qu'elle lui raconte son histoire, l'Arménie, Alep, Constantinople et Marseille. Dans ce récit qui traverse le siècle, elle écrit le roman de la vie, ou plutôt des vies d'Aravni : de la toute jeune fille fuyant le génocide arménien en ... continue


Beyond the Door or No Return by David Diop EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
FINALIST FOR THE 2023 NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FOR TRANSLATED FICTION 'Stunningly realized... A spellbinding novel' MAAZA MENGISTE, Booker Prize–shortlisted author of The Shadow King 'Diop has opened a new way of thinking about the eighteenth century and its hideous cruelties' ABDULRAZAK GURNAH, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 'A compelling romantic adventure... Through an act of remembrance, Diop seeks to build a repository of lives and histories lost to the slave trade' FINANCIAL TIMES __________ The captivating new novel from David Diop, winner of the International Booker Prize Paris, 18... continue


La puerta del viaje sin retorno by David Diop ES

Rating: 1 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Un europeo ilustrado del siglo XVIII en África: un viaje a las profundidades del alma humana. En 1749 el botánico francés Michel Adanson desembarca en Senegal para estudiar la flora como parte de sus investigaciones para elaborar una gran enciclopedia. Permanecerá allí hasta 1753, año en que regresa a Europa. Hasta aquí los hechos estrictamente históricos. A partir de ahí, el novelista David Diop imagina la existencia de unos diarios secretos escritos por el naturalista durante su transformadora estancia africana; un dietario que, tras su fallecimiento, acabará en manos de su hija Aglaé. ¿Qué ... continue


The Ladies' Paradise by Émile Zola EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
The Ladies' Paradise (Au Bonheur des Dames) recounts the spectacular development of the modern department store in late nineteenth-century Paris. The store is a symbol of capitalism, of the modern city, and of the bourgeois family; it is emblematic of consumer culture and the changes in sexual attitudes and class relations taking place at the end of the century. This new translation of the eleventh book in the Rougon-Macquart cycle captures the spirit of one of Zola's greatest works.