Memoir books set in Argentina (5)

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The ghetto within by Santiago H. Amigorena EN

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In his English language debut, Santiago H. Amigorena writes to fight the silence that “has stifled [him] since [he] was born”, weaving together fiction, biography, and memoir to distill a stirring novel of loss and unshakeable love. A critical sensation in France, The Ghetto Within is its author’s personal attempt to confront his grandfather’s silence. Passed down, from generation to generation, the silence of Amigorena’s grandfather became his own. A gripping study of inheritance,The Ghetto Within re-imagines the life of this Jewish grandfather, a Polish exile in Argentina, whose guilt provok... continue


Dislocations by Sylvia Molloy EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
How do you keep a friendship intact, when Alzheimer's has stolen the common ground of language, memory, and experience, that unites you? In brief, sharply drawn moments, Sylvia Molloy’s Dislocations records the gradual loss of a beloved friend, M.L., a disappearance in ways expected (forgotten names, forgotten moments) and painfully surprising (the reversion to a formal, proper Spanish from their previous shared vernacular). There are occasions of wonder, too—M.L. can no longer find the words to say she is dizzy, but can translate that message from Spanish to English, when it's passed along by... continue


La Vida Descalzo by Alan Pauls ES

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Mezcla de autobiografía, ensayo cultural y documento imaginario, La vida descalzo es un homenaje al lugar común donde seguimos siendo felices sin miedo. Mar, arena, sol y la euforia de estar legalmente semidesnudos: la playa sigue vendiendo virtudes de paraíso natural, pero esa utopía salvaje es también el objeto eminentemente cultural, preñado de sentidos y valores sociales, que moldean la literatura, el cine y la comunicación de masas. Con un pie en la memoria personal y otro en el análisis cultural, Alan Pauls revisa las caras mú... continue


Todas as Sextas by Paola Carosella PT

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"Todas as sextas, o livro de estreia da chef Paola Carosella, combina um relato autobiográfico arrebatador e uma seleção de mais de 90 receitas que fizeram o sucesso dos menus especiais da chef às sextas-feiras em seu restaurante Arturito, em São Paulo. A prosa poética de Paola revela uma mulher batalhadora, determinada e vitoriosa, que transcendeu os percalços da vida com a ajuda da cozinha. Suas receitas, com histórias e comentários instigantes, transbordam excelência técnica, generosidade, gratidão e amor. As belíssimas imagens do premiado fotógrafo britânico Jason Lowe completam o livro de... continue


The Little School : Tales of Disappearance & Survival in Argentina by Alicia Partnoy EN

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One of Argentina's 30,000 "disappeared," Alicia Partnoy was abducted from her home by secret police and taken to a concentration camp where she was tortured, and where most of the other prisoners were killed. Her writings were smuggled out of prison and published anonymously in human rights journals. The Little School is Alicia Partnoy's memoir of her disappearance and imprisonment in Argentina in the 1970s. Told in a series of tales that resound in memory like parables, The Little School is proof of the resilience of the human spirit and the healing powers of art. This second edition features... continue