Psychology books set in Hungary (3)

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The Door by Magda Szabo EN

Rating: 4 (4 votes)
Country: Europe / Hungary flag Hungary
One of The New York Times Book Review's "10 Best Books of 2015" An NYRB Classics Original The Door is an unsettling exploration of the relationship between two very different women. Magda is a writer, educated, married to an academic, public-spirited, with an on-again-off-again relationship to Hungary’s Communist authorities. Emerence is a peasant, illiterate, impassive, abrupt, seemingly ageless. She lives alone in a house that no one else may enter, not even her closest relatives. She is Magda’s housekeeper and she has taken control over Magda’s household, becoming indispensable to her. And ... continue


Iza's Ballad by Magda Szabo EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Hungary flag Hungary
From the author of The Door, selected by The New York Times Book Review as one of the ten best books of 2015 An NYRB Classics Original Like Magda Szabó’s internationally acclaimed novel The Door, Iza’s Ballad is a striking story of the relationship between two women, in this case a mother and a daughter. Ettie, the mother, is old and from an older world than the rapidly modernizing Communist Hungary of the years after World War II. From a poor family and without formal education, Ettie has devoted her life to the cause of her husband, Vince, a courageous magistrate who had been blacklisted for... continue


La porta by Magda Szabò IT

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Hungary flag Hungary
È un rapporto molto conflittuale, fatto di continue rotture e difficili riconciliazioni, a legare la narratrice a Emerenc Szeredàs, la donna che la aiuta nelle faccende domestiche. La padrona di casa, una scrittrice inadatta ad affrontare i problemi della vita quotidiana, fatica a capire il rigido moralismo di Emerenc, ne subisce le spesso indecifrabili decisioni, non sa cosa pensare dell'alone di mistero che ne circonda l'esistenza e soprattutto la casa, con quella porta che nessuno può varcare. In un crescendo di rivelazioni scopre che le scelte spesso bizzarre... continue