Romance books set in Germany (9)

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The Reader by Bernhard Schlink EN

Rating: 4 (12 votes)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Hailed for its coiled eroticism and the moral claims it makes upon the reader, this mesmerizing novel is a story of love and secrets, horror and compassion, unfolding against the haunted landscape of postwar Germany. When he falls ill on his way home from school, fifteen-year-old Michael Berg is rescued by Hanna, a woman twice his age. In time she becomes his lover--then she inexplicably disappears. When Michael next sees her, he is a young law student, and she is on trial for a hideous crime. As he watches her refuse to defend her innocence, Michael gradually realizes that Hanna may be guardi... continue


The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe EN

Rating: 3 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
"Be on your guard … and take care not to fall in love!" Visiting an idyllic German village, Werther, a sensitive and romantic young man, meets and falls in love with sweet-natured Lotte. Although he realizes that Lotte is to marry Albert, he is unable to subdue his passion for her and his infatuation torments him to the point of absolute despair. The first great ‘confessional’ novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther draws both on Goethe’s own unrequited love for Charlotte Buff and on the death of his friend Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem. The book was an immediate success and a cult rapidly grew up around... continue


Die Leiden des jungen Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Dieser Brief-Roman war eine Sensation. Mit ihm wurde der 25-jährige Johann Wolfgang Goethe endgültig zum Star der Literaturszene. Eine ganze Generation, die individuelles Glück jenseits gesellschaftlicher Beschränkungen suchte, fand sich im Schicksal des unglücklichen Werther wieder – der am Ende zum Selbstmörder wird, weil seine schwärmerische Liebe in dieser prosaischen Welt unerfüllt bleiben muss.


Effi Briest by Theodor Fontane EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
After marrying a Baron twice her age and moving to a remote Baltic port, Effi Briest begins an affair that threatens to ruin her marriage and her life.


Effi Briest by Theodor Fontane DE

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
»Fontanes meisterhaftes Buch über eine unglückliche Ehe, die erfüllte und unerfüllte Liebe und das sich daraus ergebende Schicksal. Ein Buch, das die immer wieder eingeforderte Pflichterfüllung und Disziplin auf ganz besondere Weise in Frage stellt.« Reiner Girstl


Three Comrades by Erich Maria Remarque EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
From the acclaimed author of All Quiet on the Western Front comes Three Comrades, a harrowing novel that follows a group of friends as they cope with upheaval in Germany between World Wars I and II. The year is 1928. On the outskirts of a large German city, three young men are earning a thin and precarious living. Fully armed young storm troopers swagger in the streets. Restlessness, poverty, and violence are everywhere. For these three, friendship is the only refuge from the chaos around them. Then the youngest of them falls in love, and brings into the group a young woman who will become a c... continue


Os sofrimentos do jovem Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe PT

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
As histórias de amor devem muito a Johann Wolfgang Goethe e seu Os sofrimentos do jovem Werther, obra escrita em 1774 e que, desde então, tornou-se uma referência da literatura mundial. Poucos livros tiveram a repercussão imediata que esse clássico conseguiu, certamente pela forma pungente, desabrida e catártica com que o protagonista evocado no título, Werther, figura da alta aristocracia germânica, destrincha o seu amor — na verdade, algo mais próximo à obsessão — que nutre pela bela Charlotte. O livro é narrado numa estrutura epistolar: conhecemos as danações de Werther por meio de cartas q... continue


Vielleicht Jetzt by Carolin Wahl DE

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Mitreißend, prickelnd, ergreifend! Die Reihe mit Herzklopfgarantie. Er hat klare Regeln. Doch mit ihr bricht er jede davon ... Fast hätte Gabriella in Brasilien ihren Flieger verpasst und jetzt sitzt sie auch noch neben diesem unverschämten – oder eher unverschämt gut aussehenden? – Kerl. Na toll! Obwohl er eigentlich ganz süß ist ... Aber für die Liebe hat sie ohnehin keine Zeit, schließlich fliegt sie nach München, um ihren Vater kennenzulernen. Undercover beginnt sie ein Praktikum in seiner Catering-Firma. Doch an ihrem ersten Arbeitstag in der Küche stellt sich ihr Ausbilder ausgerechnet a... continue