Books set in Burundi (5)

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Baho! by Roland Rogero EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Burundi flag Burundi


Petit pays : roman by Gaël Faye FR

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Burundi flag Burundi
"Burundi, 1992. Gabriel a 10 ans. Il vit dans un confortable quartier d'expatriés avec son père français, entrepreneur, sa mère rwandaise et sa petite soeur Ana. Alors que le jeune garçon voit avec inquiétude ses parents se séparer, la guerre civile se profile et, par vagues successives, la violence envahit le quartier. Premier roman." -- various wwbsites


Princesse des rugo : mon histoire by Esther Kamatari, Marie Renault FR

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Burundi flag Burundi
Espoir. J'ai fui ma patrie après le massacre des miens. Princesse burundaise devenue top-model à Paris, j'en appelle aux valeurs qui ont fondé mon pays pour que les enfants ne paient pas le prix de la folie des hommes.


This Voice in My Heart : A Runner's Memoir of Genocide, Faith, and Forgiveness by Gilbert Tuhabonye, Gary Brozek EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Burundi flag Burundi
Gilbert Tuhabonye is a survivor. More than ten years ago, he lay buried under a pile of burning bodies. The centuries–old battle between Hutu and Tutsi tribes had come to Gilbert's school. Fueled by hatred, the Hutus forced more than a hundred Tutsi children and teachers into a small room and used machetes to beat most of them to death. The unfortunate ones who survived the beating were doused with gasoline and set on fire. After hiding under burning bodies for over eight hours, Gilbert heard a voice inside saying, "You will be all right; you will survive." He knows it was God speaking to him.... continue