Book type: fiction (6541)


Looking for Jane by Heather Marshall EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
For readers of Joanna Goodman and Genevieve Graham comes a masterful debut novel about three women whose lives are bound together by a long-lost letter, a mother’s love, and a secret network of women fighting for the right to choose—inspired by true stories. Tell them you’re looking for Jane. 2017 When Angela Creighton discovers a mysterious letter containing a life-shattering confession in a stack of forgotten mail, she is determined to find the intended recipient. Her search takes her back to the 1970s when a group of daring women operated an illegal underground abortion network in Toronto k... continue


Lorca Plays: One by Federico Garcia Lorca EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
Written at the height of Lorca’s theatrical powers, these three tradgedies display his innovative mix of Spanish popular tradition and modern dramtic technique. They focus on the lives of passionate individuals, particularly women, trapped by the social conventions of peasant communitie


Lord of the Flies by William Golding EN

Rating: 4 (6 votes)
Lord of the Flies remains as provocative today as when it was first published in 1954, igniting passionate debate with its startling, brutal portrait of human nature. Though critically acclaimed, it was largely ignored upon its initial publication. Yet soon it became a cult favorite among both students and literary critics who compared it to J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye in its influence on modern thought and literature. William Golding's compelling story about a group of very ordinary small boys marooned on a coral island has become a modern classic. At first it seems as though it is... continue


Lord of the Fly Fest by Goldy Moldavsky EN

0 Ratings
Country: South America / Peru flag Peru
New York Times-bestselling author Goldy Moldasky delivers a darkly funny, twisty YA thriller about influencer culture that's Lord of the Flies meets Karen McManus.Rafi Francisco needs a splashy case to put her true crime podcast on the map. She sets her sights on River Stone, the hearthrob musician who rose to stardom after the mysterious disappearance of his girlfriend. Rafi somehow scores a ticket to the exclusive Fly Fest, where River will be the headliner--and her starmaking interview.But when Rafi arrives on the Caribbean island location of Fly Fest with hundreds of other influencers, the... continue


Lorelei by Ionel Teodoreanu RO

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
Alături de trilogia La Medeleni, Lorelei (1935) este cel mai iubit roman al lui Ionel Teodoreanu. Farmecul său romantic, tristeţea apăsătoare, intimitatea graţioasă şi nobleţea lirică a poveştii de iubire, atmosfera cu parfum fin de siécle topită în frenezia epocii jazzului din anii ‘20-‘30 au sedus generaţii de cititori şi, mai ales, de cititoare. Roman de atmosferă şi de „de analiză” a sentimentului, Lorelei este o „contopire de poem şi basm”, în care naraţiunea psihologică de actualitate întîlneşte tradiţia mitologică a roma... continue


Los alegres funerales de Alik by Liudmila Ulitskaya ES

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
я люблю Нью-Йорк “Ese país odiaba el sufrimiento. Lo rechazaba desde un punto de vista ontológico y sólo lo admitían como una caso particular que exigía erradicación inmediata. Aquella joven nación que repudiaba el sufrimiento había puesto en marcha escuelas enteras - filosóficas, psicológicas y médicas - consagradas a una única misión: librar al hombre del sufrimiento a cualquier precio. Al cerebro ruso de Fima le costaba asimilar esa idea. La tierra en la que había crecido amaba y valorab... continue


Los cachorros by Mario Vargas Llosa ES

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: South America / Peru flag Peru
Los cachorros del autor peruano Vargas Llosa es un relato que busca en todo momento una voz plural (segun el autor, obra mas cantada que contada), que ondula de un personaje a otro, de lo subjetivo a lo objetivo. Obra que ha suscitado muchas interpretaciones y evocaciones diversas.


Los de abajo by Mariano Azuela ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Los de abajo, la novela más conocida del escritor Mariano Azuela, narra la formación y vicisitudes de un grupo de combatientes liderado por el caudillo Demetrio Macías durante la Revolución mexicana, así como las batallas contra los federales y su alianza con el general Natera para la toma de Zacatecas. El autor introduce en la obra al personaje del médico y periodista Luis Cervantes, que emplea para ilustrar los contrastes entre los ideales políticos de la clase ilustrada y el pragmatismo de los guerrilleros campesinos. Los de abajo es el ejemplo más destacado de la Novela de la Revolución, u... continue