Book type: fiction (6541)


O zmierzchu by Hwang Sok-yong PL

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Country: Asia / China flag China
Młody mężczyzna podróżuje ze swoim wiernym psim towarzyszem przez Koreę Południową. W plecaku ma tylko empetrójkę, książkę i przybory do pisania. Codziennie przed zaśnięciem pisze list adresowany do osoby, którą poznał podczas podróży. Każdemu, z kim przez krótką chwilę dzieli się opowieściami, nadaje numer: 32, 239, 412, 751… Jest wśród nich nastolatka, która przyłapała swoich rodziców na zdradzie, sprzedawca słodyczy w pociągu, artysta tworzący instalacje z gum do żucia i pisarka, która próbuje sprzedać swoje książki, akompaniując sobie na harmonijce. Czy wędrówka Jihuna będzie miała swój kr... continue


Obabakoak by Bernardo Atxaga EN

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Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
Obabakoak means 'events that happened in Obaba', the village at the centre of a novel composed of 26 linked tales and parodies written with a delicate sense of childlike innocence. Underlying these stories is a darker theme of loss, as the narrator of the book becomes a victim of his own tales.


Obligations to the Wounded : Stories by Mubanga Kalimamukwento EN

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Country: Africa / Zambia flag Zambia
In formally adventurous stories rooted in Zambian literary tradition, Obligations to the Wounded explores the expectations and burdens of womanhood in Zambia and for Zambian women living abroad. The collection converses with global social problems through the depiction of games, social media feuds, letters, and folklore to illustrate how girls and women manage religious expectation, migration, loss of language, death, intimate partner violence, and racial discrimination. Although the women and girls inhabiting these pages are separated geographically and by life stage, their shared burdens, cu... continue


Oblivion : A Memoir by Héctor Abad EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Now the basis for the acclaimed film Memories of My Father, directed by Fernando Trueba. "An irreplaceable testimony of the struggle for democracy and tolerance in Latin America." —El País Héctor Abad's Oblivion is a heartbreaking, exquisitely written memorial to the author's father, Héctor Abad Gómez, whose criticism of the Colombian regime led to his murder by paramilitaries in 1987. Twenty years in the writing, it paints an unforgettable picture of a man who followed his conscience and paid for it with his life during one of the darkest periods in Latin America's recent history.


Oblivion and Stone : A Selection of Bolivian Poetry and Fiction by Sandra Reyes, John DuVal EN

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Editor Sandra Reyes has gathered a panoramic sampling of the work of twenty-three poets and eighteen fiction writers. Focusing predominantly on living practicing writers this anthology defines the current literary voice of Bolivia and gives us a distillation of the contemporary Bolivian consciousness.
Genre Poetry


Obras completas : (y otros cuentos) by Augusto Monterroso ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Obras completas (y otros cuentos): con este título de impasible ironía se dio a conocer un escritor de excepción, el guatemalteco Augusto Monterroso. Desde este primer libro incisivo, provocador, centelleante, inesperado, Monterroso se instaló, como quien no quiere la cosa, como a hurtadillas, en primera línea de la literatura en lengua española, e inició, sin prisas, su particular cruzada contra la Solemnidad.


Ocean Stirrings Work Fiction Tribute L : Ocean Stirrings: a Work of Fiction in Tribute to Louise Langdon Norton Little, Working Mother and Ac by Merle Collins EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Netherlands flag Netherlands
A mix of fictive narrative, letters and poetry, with episodes of great warmth, exuberant humour, drama, and heartbreak, telling a story of Louse Little. The mother of the revolutionary firebrand Malcolm X was a Grenadian woman born at the turn of the 20th century in a small rural community in a deeply colonial society where access to education had only just begun for the children of working people. She emigrated to Canada and then the USA, where she became involved in the struggle for Black civil rights led by Marcus Garvey. Within the sparse facts of Louise Langdon Norton Little' s biography,... continue


Odin's Child by Siri Pettersen EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Norway flag Norway
An epic fantasy trilogy about thousand-year-old secrets, forbidden romance, and what happens to those who make a deal with the devil at last comes to the U.S. after taking European audiences by storm. 15-year-old Hirka has always been an outsider in the world of Ym: she’s the only person without a tail, and the only one unable to access the Might, a current of power that runs through the earth. Her differences become more and more of a concern as the date approaches for the Rite—the ceremony where everyone is to be blessed by the all-knowing Seer and the Council of powerful families who rule i... continue