Read Around Africa Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Africa.

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Best books from Africa (619)

Paraiso / Paradise by Abdulrazak Gurnah ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Tanzania flag Tanzania
Una historia de iniciación que ilumina la crudeza y la belleza de la África precolonial, por el premio Nobel de literatura 2021. Cuando los padres de Yusuf, de doce años, le dicen que vivirá con su tío Aziz durante una temporada, el chico se muestra entusiasmado. Pero lo que Yusuf no sabe es que su padre lo ha empeñado para saldar una deuda imposible de pagar, ni tampoco que Aziz no es pariente suyo, sino un rico y acaudalado comerciante con el que viajará por África central y las riberas del Congo en vísperas de la primera guerra mundial. A través de los ojos de ese chiquillo descubriremos un... continue


A orillas del mar / By the Sea by Abdulrazak Gurnah ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Tanzania flag Tanzania
Una conmovedora historia sobre el exilio, el amor y la traición, del Premio Nobel de Literatura 2021 Huyendo de la mítica isla de Zanzíbar, tierra de mercaderes de perfumes y especias acunada por los monzones, Saleh Omar, un comerciante de 65 años, llega al aeropuerto de Gatwick con una caja de caoba llena de incienso y un pasaporte falso. Para comunicarse con él, los servicios sociales recurren a Latif Mahmud, un poeta experto en suajili, profesor y exiliado voluntario que vive apaciblemente en un apartamento de Londres. Cuando los dos hombres se encuentran en una pequeña ciudad junto al mar,... continue


The Last Gift by Abdulrazak Gunrah EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Tanzania flag Tanzania
By the winner of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Literature Abbas has never told anyone about his past; about what happened before he was a sailor on the high seas, before he met his wife Maryam outside a Boots in Exeter, before they settled into a quiet life in Norwich with their children, Jamal and Hanna. Now, at the age of sixty-three, he suffers a collapse that renders him bedbound and unable to speak about things he thought he would one day have to. Jamal and Hanna have grown up and gone out into the world. They were both born in England but cannot shake a sense of apartness. Hanna calls herself ... continue


Do They Hear You When You Cry by Fauziya Kassindja, Layli Miller Bashir EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Togo flag Togo
Like the bestsellers Princess and Not Without My Daughter, Do They Hear You When You Cry? tells the dramatic, compulsively readable story of a woman fighting to free herself from the injustices of her culture. Fauziya Kassindja's harrowing story begins in Togo, Africa, where she enjoyed a sheltered childhood, shielded by her progressive father from the tribal practice of polygamy and genital mutilation. But when her father died in 1993, Fauziya's life changed dramatically. At the age of seventeen, she was forced to marry a man she barely knew who already had three wives, and prepare for the tr... continue


An African in Greenland by Tété-Michel Kpomassie EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Togo flag Togo
Tété-Michel Kpomassie was a teenager in Togo when he discovered a book about Greenland—and knew that he must go there. Working his way north over nearly a decade, Kpomassie finally arrived in the country of his dreams. This brilliantly observed and superbly entertaining record of his adventures among the Inuit is a testament both to the wonderful strangeness of the human species and to the surprising sympathies that bind us all.


Explicacion de la noche by Edem Awumey ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Togo flag Togo
Un tren cruza la noche invernal del Quebec; Ito Bataka está volviendo a su hogar, un subsuelo con connotaciones suicidas, sólo iluminado por el amor y los tiernos pechos de Kimi, también quebrada, vencida, pero aún capaz de amar. Hubo, en algún momento de la vida de Ito, alegría y la euforia universitaria de amigos y libros en su tierra natal, en Lomé; con sueños de libertad e igualdad, manifestaciones. Y también hubo en tiempo del fin de esa ilusión, de un cielo negro cargado de plomo. Y hubo también, en los momento... continue


Mina entre sombras by Edem Awumey ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Togo flag Togo

Los pies sucios


Behind Closed Doors : Women's Oral Narratives in Tunis by Monia Hejaiej EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Tunisia flag Tunisia
Tunis has a long history of city life reaching back to ancient times. The Arabic language is firmly rooted among its inhabitants and most embrace the morals and culture of Islam. Behind Closed Doors presents forty-seven tales told by three Beldi women, members of a historic and highly civilized community, the city's traditional elite. Tale-telling is important to all Beldi women, and the book examines its role in their shared world and its significance in the lives of the three tellers. Tales are told at communal gatherings to share and pass on Beldi women's secret lore of love, marriage and d... continue