Read Around Africa Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Africa.

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Best books from Africa (613)

How to Cook Your Husband the African Way by Calixthe Beyala EN

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Country: Africa / Cameroon flag Cameroon
The heroine falls in love with mysterious Bolobolo and attempts to win his love by preparing a variety of wonderful dishes for him. The novel is peppered throughout with recipes.



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Country: Africa / Cameroon flag Cameroon
On the trail of Roger, a brother who has gone north in search of football fame in Europe, Choupi, the narrator, takes with him the older Simon, a neighborhood friend. The bus trip north nearly ends in disaster when, at a pit stop, Simon goes wandering in search of grilled caterpillars. At the police station in Yaounde, the local cop tells them that a feckless boza who wants to go to Europe is not worth police effort and their mother should go and pleasure the police chief if she wants help! Through a series of joyful sparky vignettes, Cameroon life is revealed in all its ups and downs. Issues ... continue


The Last Will and Testament of Senhor Da Silva Araújo by Germano Almeida EN

Rating: 4 (4 votes)
Country: Africa / Cape Verde flag Cape Verde
"In his will, Senhor da Silva Araujo has left a memoir that is a touching web of elaborate self-deceptions. He desired so ardently to prosper, to be taken seriously, and to join (perhaps, if they would have him) the exclusive Gremio country club. But most of all, he wanted to be a good man. And yet, shady deals, twists of fate, an illegitimate child: such is the lot of poor, self-critical Senhor da Silva Araujo. A bit like Calvino's Mr. Palomar in his attention to protocol and in his terror of life's passions; a bit like Svevo's Zeno (a little pompous, a little old-fashioned, and often hapless... continue


The Madwoman of Serrano by Dina Salústio EN

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Country: Africa / Cape Verde flag Cape Verde
The first novel by a female author to be published in Cape Verde, and the first to be translated into English, The Madwoman of Serrano is a magical tale of rural ideals and urban ambition, underpinned by an exploration of female empowerment. Serrano is an isolated village where a madwoman roams. But is she really mad or is she marginalised because she is wise and a woman? Could her babbling be prophecy? One day a girl falls from the sky and is found in the forest by Jeronimo. The villagers are suspicious of the newcomer, but Jeronimo falls in love with her. When she gives birth and disappears,... continue


Historias de dentro de casa by Germano Almeida ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Cape Verde flag Cape Verde
Cuentos ambientados en el país insular de Cabo Verde, en donde como en otras antiguas colonias portuguesas se percibe un mestizaje humano y cultural muy rico.


Chiquinho : A Novel of Cabo Verde by Baltasar Lopes da Silva EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Cape Verde flag Cape Verde
Originally published in Portuguese in 1947, Baltazar Lopes's Chiquinho offers a rich and compelling exploration of Cabo Verde's unique identity. Tracing the arc of its young protagonist's life as he approaches adulthood, the novel follows Chiquinho as he leaves his village, journeys to São Vicente Island to further his education, returns home as drought and famine strike the archipelago, and makes the difficult decision to join his father in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Reflecting the challenges faced by the Creole intellectuals of the so-called Claridade generation, this long-overdue English t... continue


Daba's Travels from Ouadda to Bangui by Makombo Bamboté EN

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A boy from the Central African Republic leaves his village on a brief vacation that becomes a lengthy absence as he makes many new friends and gets an education.