Read Around North America Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in North America.

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Best books from North America (1227)

Luisa in Realityland by Claribel Alegría, Pedro Caubet, Darwin Flakoll, Erik Flakoll EN

0 Ratings
Claribel Alegria combines poetry, fiction, and historical narrative about her early childhood in Santa Ana, El Salvador.


Natural History : A Novel by Carlos Fonseca EN

0 Ratings
From Carlos Fonseca comes a dazzling, kaleidoscopic epic of art, politics, and hidden realities Just before the dawn of the new millennium, a curator at a New Jersey museum of natural history receives an unusual invitation from a celebrated fashion designer. She shares the curator's fascination with the hidden forms of the animal kingdom—with camouflage and subterfuge—and she proposes that they collaborate on an exhibition, the form of which itself remains largely obscure, even as they enter into a strange relationship marked by evasion and elision. Seven years later, after the death of the de... continue


Bewohnte Frau by Gioconda Belli DE

0 Ratings
Belletristik : Nicaragua ; Frau - Diktatur.


La mujer habitada by Gioconda Belli ES

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Tras terminar sus estudios de arquitectura en Europa, Lavinia regresa a Latinoamérica para emprender su camino como mujer independiente. Pero sus planes cambian cuando conoce a Felipe, con quien establece una profunda relación sentimental. A su lado le llega la oportunidad de implicarse en las luchas populares y los movimientos de liberación de la dictadura de su país, conectando de ese modo con Itzá, una indígena que luchó contra los invasores españoles y que ahora despierta reencarnada en un naranjo para acompañar, apoyar e inspirar a Lavinia. Gioconda Belli narra con poesía e inteligencia u... continue


El infinito en la palma de la mano by Gioconda Belli ES

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
El mágico relato de nuestros orígenes es probablemente el que más fascinación ha inspirado en la humanidad a lo largo de los tiempos. Pero, más allá de los cuarenta versículos que la Biblia dedica a Adán y Eva, más allá incluso de la leyenda, ¿cómo sería la vida de aquella inocente, valiente y conmovedora primera pareja? ¿Cómo sería aquel universo primigenio? ¿Cuál fue el impulso que motivó a que Eva tomara la manzana prohibida? ¿Y qué pensamientos le pasaron por la cabeza a ambos una vez que comprendieron las consecuencias de lo que Eva acababa de hacer? Prepárese para adentrar en un mundo fa... continue


The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henríquez EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
When Alma Rivera arrives in Delaware she is full of the promise and possibilities of her new home. Hope that her daughter Maribel will be helped by the specialist support US education can provide, and faith that her husband Arturo will flourish in a country that celebrates the hard-working. But life without status, money, family and friends soon becomes unmanageable and violent. Told through a range of perspectives written with compassion and grace, Cristina Henríquez gives voice to the displaced and the unknown, and shows what it means to uproot your life in search of something better.


The Old Gringo : A Novel by Carlos Fuentes EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
In The Old Gringo, Carlos Fuentes brings the Mexico of 1916 uncannily to life. This novel is wise book, full of toughness and humanity and is without question one of the finest works of modern Latin American fiction. One of Fuentes's greatest works, the novel tells the story of Ambrose Bierce, the American writer, soldier, and journalist, and of his last mysterious days in Mexico living among Pancho Villa's soldiers, particularly his encounter with General Tomas Arroyo. In the end, the incompatibility of the two countries (or, paradoxically, their intimacy) claims both men, in a novel that is,... continue


The Closer by Mariano Rivera and Wayne Coffey EN

0 Ratings
Mariano Rivera never dreamed of becoming a professional athlete. He didn't grow up collecting baseball cards, playing Little League, or cheering on his home team at the World Series. He had never heard of Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio, or Mickey Mantle. One day, that all changed. From a childhood playing pickup games in Panama to an epic career with the New York Yankees, Mariano's rise to greatness has been anything but ordinary. He's the guy on the mound who doesn't hear the crowd, just the sound of the ump calling, Strike! The teammate you can rely on, even when the bases are loaded in... continue


Aura by Carlos Fuentes ES

Rating: 4 (5 votes)
"Lees ese anuncio: una oferta de esa naturaleza no se hace todos los días. Lees y relees el aviso. Parece dirigido a ti, a nadie más": asícomienza Aura, novela hechizante, donde lo verdadero es lo imposible, donde el amor a la vez sacrifica y devuelve la vida, y la inmortalidad tiene un precio que algunos están dispuestos a pagar.Pocos textos en la literatura mexicana de imaginación tienen la belleza y la expresividad de este relato en que los procedimientos de la ficción están llevados a sus últimas consecuencias. Las imágenes del sueño alteran la realidad o la realidad se ve contaminada por ... continue