Read Around South America Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in South America.

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Best books from South America (360)

Flesh, Bone and Water by Luiza Sauma EN

0 Ratings
Brazilian-born doctor André Cabral is living in London when one day he receives a letter from his home country, which he left nearly thirty years ago. A letter he keeps in his pocket for weeks, but tells no one about. The letter prompts André to remember the days of his youth - torrid afternoons on Ipanema beach with his listless teenage friends, parties in elegant Rio apartments, his after-school job at his father's plastic surgery practice - and, above all, his secret infatuation with the daughter of his family's maid, the intoxicating Luana. Unable to resist the pull of the letter, André em... continue


Amora: Stories by Natalia Borges Polesso EN

0 Ratings
From an emerging talent comes an exquisite collection of stories exploring the complexity of love between women, each a delicate piece in a mosaic transcending the boundaries of literary romance. Amora dares explore the way women love each other--the atrophy and healing of the female spirit in response to sexual desire and identity. These thirty-three short stories and poems, crafted with a deliberate delicacy, each capture the candid, private moments of women in love. Together, these stories and the women who inhabit them reveal an illuminating portrait of the sacred female romance, with all ... continue


The Lady of Solitude : Stories by Paula Parisot EN

0 Ratings
The Lady of Solitude projects a fresh and daring new voice on to the Brazilian literary scene. These transgressive and highly charged erotic stories are all written from a woman's point of view and they offer an unexpected perspective on the world, sex and desire in a changing Brazilian and global context. That is not to say that all of Parisot's characters are strong, emancipated and resolute: they just live in a world where relationships of all kinds have changed. Avowedly a disciple of the famous detective writer Rubem Fonseca, Paula Parisot adds a new and sinister twist to crimes of passio... continue


Der Alchimist by Paulo Coelho DE

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Santiago, ein andalusischer Hirte, hat einen wiederkehrenden Traum: Am Fuß der Pyramiden liege ein Schatz für ihn bereit. Soll er das Vertraute für möglichen Reichtum aufgeben? Santiago ist mutig genug, seinem Traum zu folgen. Er begibt sich auf eine Reise die ihn über die Souks in Tanger bis nach Ägypten führt, er findet in der Stille der Wüste auch zu sich selbst und erkennt, dass das Leben Schätze bereithält, die nicht mit Gold aufzuwiegen sind.


Pedagogy of the Oppressed : 30th Anniversary Edition by Paulo Freire EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
First published in Portuguese in 1968, Pedagogy of the Oppressed was translated and published in English in 1970. The methodology of the late Paulo Freire has helped to empower countless impoverished and illiterate people throughout the world. Freire's work has taken on especial urgency in the United States and Western Europe, where the creation of a permanent underclass among the underprivileged and minorities in cities and urban centers is increasingly accepted as the norm. With a substantive new introduction on Freire's life and the remarkable impact of this book by writer and Freire confid... continue


Perfect Days by Raphael Montes EN

0 Ratings
A twisted young medical student kidnaps the girl of his dreams and embarks on a dark and delirious road trip across Brazil in the English-language debut of Brazil's most celebrated young crime writer. Teo Avelar is a loner. He lives with his paraplegic mother and her dog in Rio de Janeiro, he doesn't have many friends, and the only time he feels honest human emotion is in the presence of his medical school cadaver--that is, until he meets Clarice. She's almost his exact opposite: exotic, spontaneous, unafraid to speak her mind. An aspiring screenwriter, she's working on a screenplay called Per... continue


Angola Janga by Marcelo d'Salete EN

0 Ratings
An independent kingdom of runaway slaves founded in the late 16th century, Angola Janga was a beacon of freedom in a land plagued with oppression. In stark black ink and chiaroscuro panel compositions, D’Salete brings history to life; the painful stories of fugitive slaves on the run, the brutal raids by Portuguese colonists, and the tense power struggles within this precarious kingdom. At turns heartbreaking and empowering, Angola Janga sheds light on a long-overlooked moment of resistance against oppression.


Arada torta by Itamar Vieira Junior CA

Rating: 4 (1 vote)


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