Read Around South America Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in South America.

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Best books from South America (580)

The Sound of Things Falling by Juan Gabriel Vasquez EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
* National Bestseller and Dublin Literary Award winner * Hailed by Edmund White as "a brilliant new novel" on the cover of the New York Times Book Review * Lauded by Jonathan Franzen, E. L. Doctorow and many others An intimate portrayal of the drug wars in Colombia, from international fiction star Juan Gabriel Vasquez. Juan Gabriel Vásquez has been hailed not only as one of South America’s greatest literary stars, but also as one of the most acclaimed writers of his generation. In this New York Times-bestselling, award-winning, gorgeously wrought novel, Vásquez confronts the history of his hom... continue


Salt Crystals by Cristina Bendek EN

0 Ratings
Two hundred miles from mainland Colombia, grassroots resistance, sloppy tourists, and a muddy history of conquest converge for Victoria, home from Mexico City and ready to understand herself and the place she came from.


Fiebre Tropical : A Novel by Julián Delgado Lopera EN

0 Ratings
Winner for the 2021 Lambda Literary Award for Lesbian Fiction Winner of the 2021 Ferro-Grumley Literary Award for LGBTQ Fiction Finalist for the 2020 Kirkus Prize for Fiction Lit by the hormonal neon glow of Miami, this debut novel follows a Colombian teenager's coming-of-age as she plunges headfirst into lust and evangelism. Uprooted from her comfortable life in Bogotá, Colombia, into an ant-infested Miami townhouse, fifteen-year-old Francisca is miserable and friendless in her strange new city. Her alienation grows when her mother is swept up into an evangelical church, replete with Christia... continue


Esta herida llena de peces by Lorena Salazar Masso ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Una madre y su niño viajan en canoa por el caudaloso río Atrato. La madre es blanca, el niño es negro. Entre manglares, frutas y trenzas, la narradora le va contando a la pasajera de al lado su infancia, sus recuerdos y cómo el pequeño llegó a su vida una mañana calurosa. La lancha avanza, la inquietud se acrecienta. La mujer preferiría no llegar o dar la vuelta. Esta es una historia sobre el arraigo, el miedo y la maternidad en un contexto de violencia, sobre los peligros de la selva colombiana. A través del lirismo de su prosa, ... continue


Relatos de mar y tierra by Álvaro Mutis ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Relatos de mar y de tierra agrupa una serie de obras breves publicadas por Alvaro Mutis a lo largo de varios años, y constituye una buena introducción a su obra (aunque es una selección de lo mejor). Como toda recopilación tiene cierta irregularidad de estilo, calidad e interés, pero en general se trata de una buena obra. Destaco El último rostro (que inspiró El general en su laberinto, García Márquez) y La mansión de Araucaíma, una novela corta de estilo gótico.


La última escala del tramp steamer by Alvaro Mutis ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Een journalist die op zijn reizen overal in de wereld een klein oud vrachtschip ziet, raakt geintrigeerd en probeert achter de geschiedenis van het schip te komen.


Oblivion : A Memoir by Héctor Abad EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Now the basis for the acclaimed film Memories of My Father, directed by Fernando Trueba. "An irreplaceable testimony of the struggle for democracy and tolerance in Latin America." —El País Héctor Abad's Oblivion is a heartbreaking, exquisitely written memorial to the author's father, Héctor Abad Gómez, whose criticism of the Colombian regime led to his murder by paramilitaries in 1987. Twenty years in the writing, it paints an unforgettable picture of a man who followed his conscience and paid for it with his life during one of the darkest periods in Latin America's recent history.


María by Jorge Isaacs ES

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Jorge Isaacs' María is perhaps the best known, most frequently read 19th century Spanish American novel, but at the same time, the most often misunderstood by modern readers and critics alike. The novel has been labeled by some critics as a real tear-jerker that seeks to revive, and to share with the reader, the loss of a first love. The story is recounted by Efraín, a first-person narrator, who tells it in retrospection, reconstructing the events and feelings of the moment, but in many instances reacting to that past in the emotional framework of the present. The abundant weeping in the tale ... continue


Delirio by Laura Restrepo ES

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Narrada detalladamente y con emoción, la historia principal se fragmenta en otras que se anudan a través de unos personajes llenos de matices que comparten el mismo telón de fondo: Pablo Escobar manejando los hilos y las vidas de todos, como si fuesen sus marionetas, haciéndoles bailar y saltar al son que él quiere tocar; y en el momento que lo quiere tocar. Ganadora del VII Premio Alfaguara de Novela 2004


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