Read Around South America Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in South America.

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Best books from South America (575)

El Túnel by Ernesto Sábato ES

Rating: 3 (3 votes)
Breve e intensa novela publicada en 1948, este logrado fruto de la denominada "literatura existencial" le dio a su autor un reconocimiento que traspasó las fronteras nacionales. Para quien todavía no la leyó, El túnel es la mejor introducción al universo prodigioso de Ernesto Sábato; para quien la conoce, un clásico de las letras del continente, una historia sobre el drama del hombre arrojado en el sinsentido más doloroso: la conciencia de la nada. El narrador describe una historia de amor y muerte en la que muestra la soledad ... continue


Sobre héroes y tumbas by Ernesto R. Sábato ES

0 Ratings
Publicada en 1961, Sobre héroes y tumbas es la segunda novela escrita por Ernesto Sabato y da continuidad al mundo surgido de El túnel. Buena parte de su trama puede encajarse en la tradición de la bildungsroman, pues se centra en Martín, en su andadura por buscarse a sí mismo, y sirve al escritor argentino para exponer su particular visión sobre la soledad, tema esencial en su narrativa. Durante sus habituales rumiaciones en el parque Lezama, Martín, hijo de un pintor fracasado y de una mujer de la calle, descubre a una joven misteriosa y herm... continue


The Aleph by Jorge Luis Borges EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Borges' stories have a deceptively simple, almost laconic style. In maddeningly ingenious stories that play with the very form of the short story, Borges returns again and again to his themes- dreams, labyrinths, mirrors, infinite libraries, the manipulations of chance, gaucho knife-fighters, transparent tigers and the elusive nature of identity itself.


Facundo : Civilization and Barbarism by Domingo Faustino Sarmiento EN

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
An educator and writer, Sarmiento was President of Argentina from 1868 to 1874. His Facundo is a study of the Argentine character, a prescription for the modernization of Latin America, and a protest against the tyranny of the government of Juan Manuel de Rosas (1835-1852). The book brings nineteenth-century Latin American history to life even as it raises questions still being debated today--questions regarding the "civilized" city versus the "barbaric" countryside, the treatment of indigenous and African populations, and the classically liberal plan of modernization.


Operation Massacre by Rodolfo Walsh EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
1956. Argentina has just lost its charismatic president Juán Perón in a military coup, and terror reigns across the land. June 1956: eighteen people are reported dead in a failed Peronist uprising. December 1956: sometime journalist, crime fiction writer, studiedly unpoliticized chess aficionado Rodolfo Walsh learns by chance that one of the executed civilians from a separate, secret execution in June, is alive. He hears that there may be more than one survivor and believes this unbelievable story on the spot. And right there, the monumental classic Operation Massacre is born. Walsh made it hi... continue


La filosofía de Mafalda / The Philosophy of Mafalda by Quino ES

Rating: 4 (4 votes)
El pensamiento vivo de Mafalda, «una heroína de nuestro tiempo» (Umberto Eco) «La filosofía de Mafalda, ya un clásico, supone la vuelta en tiras esta primavera de la "hija" de Quino. Los bocados mafaldinos son un trago de humor negro pero siempre con un punto soñador que ayuda a refrescar el viaje. [...] Mafalda nos columpia de la carencia al ideal para traernos siempre de vuelta a la realidad. La suya es una filosofía en pequeñas dosis para aprender a aterrizar.» —Ana Abelenda, La Voz de Galicia Podrían decirse muchas sutilezas del mundo, pero hay que reconocer que a menudo puede parecer un i... continue


Shantytown by César Aira EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
At last, a noir novel from the Argentine master of suspense and surprises Maxi, a middle-class, directionless ox of a young man who helps the trash pickers of Buenos Aires’s shantytown, attracts the attention of a corrupt, trigger-happy policeman who will use anyone — including two innocent teenage girls — to break a drug ring that he believes is operating within the slum. A strange new drug, a brightly lit carousel of a slum, the kindness of strangers, gunplay... no matter how serious the subject matter, and despite Aira’s “fascination with urban violence and the sinister underside of Latin A... continue


Talking to Ourselves by Andrés Neuman EN

0 Ratings
One trip. Two love stories. Three voices. Sooner or later, we all face loss. Ten-year old Lito is almost sure that he can change the weather, if only he concentrates very hard. His father Mario, who is seriously ill, is anxious to create a life-long memory for the unsuspecting Lito and takes him on a road-trip in a truck called Pedro. Together, father and son embark on a journey through strange landscapes which blur the borders of the Spanish-speaking world. In the meantime, Lito's mother Elena tries to find solace in books - and soon undertakes a precarious adventure of her own that will chal... continue


Una suerte pequeña by Claudia Piñeiro ES

0 Ratings
After twenty years, a woman returns to the suburban Argentina she had fled to escape a dreadful accident, a sense of guilt, and social condemnation, leaving her son behind. But the woman who returns is not the same: she doesn't look the same, her voice is different, she doesn't even have the same name. After two decades spent in the United States, this damaged woman has rebuilt her life. Will those who knew her even recognise her? Will he recognise her? Not fully understanding her own reasons for going back to the place where she once lived and raised a family, and that she had be... continue


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