Father to My Siblings

by Olivier Sempiga

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Father to My Siblings

Nadina works as a journalist on a private television in her country. She writes a series of e-mails to her father, who passed on to the other world during a war that tore apart her beloved nation. She relates her story of resilience, perseverance, and courage after a breakthrough is achieved in communication and people from this world are able to communicate with other people in the other world of the living dead. She expresses her struggles in taking care of her siblings. Technically, Nadina becomes the father of her siblings as she cares for each and every aspect of their needs. The father, who is the last to die, leaves the five children still in school. Nadina works her socks off to feed these children, to pay for their school fees, and to see them become independent. Nadina criticises some political, economic, and social structures of her country (no name is given, but it is an allegory of African states) and calls for an end to rampant poverty, wars, and conflicts. Despite being outspoken and critical of the government, Nadina is appointed minister of information. With this new status, her dream to fight poverty and bring about peace has just begun.

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Country: Rwanda flag Rwanda
Language: EN

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