Books by Virginia Woolf (5)


Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Clarissa Dalloway, elegant and vivacious, is preparing for party and remembering those she once loved. In another part of London, Septimus Warren Smith is shell-shocked and on the brink of madness. Smith's day interweaves with that of Clarissa and her friends, their lives converging as the party reaches it glittering climax.


Orlando : A Biography by Virginia Woolf EN

Rating: 4 (4 votes)
Orlando doubles as first an Elizabethan nobleman and then as a Victorian heroine who undergoes all the transitions of history in this novel that examines sex roles and social mores.


To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf EN

Rating: 3 (3 votes)
The novel that established Virginia Woolf as a leading writer of the twentieth century, To the Lighthouse is made up of three powerfully charged visions into the life of one family living in a summer house off the rocky coast of Scotland. As time winds its way through their lives, the Ramseys face, alone and simultaneously, the greatest of human challenges and its greatest triumph-the human capacity for change. A moving portrait in miniature of family life, it also has profoundly universal implications, giving language to the silent space that separates people and the space that they transgres... continue