Book type: fiction (6449)


 Wild Boar in the Cane Field : A Novel by Anniqua Rana EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Pakistan flag Pakistan
One day, a baby girl, Tara, is found, abandoned and covered in flies. She is raised by two mothers in a community rife with rituals and superstition. As she grows, Tara pursues acceptance at all costs. Saffiya, her adoptive mother, and Bhaggan, Saffiya’s maidservant, are victims of the men in their community, and the two women, in turn, struggle and live short but complicated lives. The only way for the villagers to find solace is through the rituals of ancient belief systems. Tara lives in a village that could be any village in South Asia, and she dies, like many young women in the area, duri... continue


¿Quién mató a Palomino Molero? by Mario Vargas Llosa ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: South America / Peru flag Peru
Mario Vargas Llosa crea en ¿Quién mató a Palomino Molero? una intensa novela policial donde el suspense y la tensión recorren toda la historia. En un escenario dominado por la corrupción, y donde los prejuicios y desigualdades conforman la realidad social del país, la verdad acaba convertida en verdades diversas que se confunden la una con la otra en un alucinante juego de espejos. A través de una atmósfera que deslumbra y atrapa, este libro refleja fielmente el clima de una época y denuncia los excesos del poder.


'Salem's Lot by Stephen King EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
#1 BESTSELLER • Ben Mears has returned to Jerusalem’s Lot in hopes that exploring the history of the Marsten House, an old mansion long the subject of rumor and speculation, will help him cast out his personal devils and provide inspiration for his new book. But when two young boys venture into the woods, and only one returns alive, Mears begins to realize that something sinister is at work. In fact, his hometown is under siege from forces of darkness far beyond his imagination. And only he, with a small group of allies, can hope to contain the evil that is growing within the borders of this s... continue


Água Viva by Clarice Lispector EN

Rating: 4.7 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / Ukraine flag Ukraine
Lispector at her most philosophically radical.


¿Cric? crac! by Edwidge Danticat ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
¿Cric? ¡Crac! es una recopilación de nueve cuentos en los que se explora la manera como los recuerdos son transmitidos de generación en generación, para conservar el patrimonio cultural de un pueblo atormentado. En un Haití asolado por la violencia se desarrollan los primeros siete relatos, marcados por la muerte, el sufrimiento y el valor de las mujeres que parecen impotentes ante el terrorismo arrasador de los regímenes dictatoriales. Sin embargo, en ¿Cric? ¡Crac! el amor surge como una luz esperanzadora que le permitirá a ... continue