Books written by female authors (2905)


Tutto il bello che ci aspetta by Lorenza Gentile IT

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Italy flag Italy
Viviamo in un’epoca in cui niente è impossibile, dunque se le cose non vanno dev’essere per forza colpa nostra: Selene se ne è quasi convinta. Passati i trent’anni, non ha ancora trovato la sua strada: dove ha sbagliato? È stata l’ultima delle sue azioni impulsive, aprire un ristorante che ora è sull’orlo del fallimento, oppure è successo quindici anni fa, quando ha preso la sua prima decisione da adulta? È lì che sono rimaste impigliate le sue aspirazioni? Per scoprirlo, una notte d’estate fugge da Milano verso un paesino nel cuore della Puglia, il posto dove è cresciuta, immersa in una comun... continue


Tuya by Claudia Piñeiro ES

0 Ratings
"Un corazón dibujado con rouge, cruzado por un "te quiero" y firmado "Tuya" le revela a Inés que su marido la engaña. A partir de ahí, una original novela de suspense, un ama de casa dispuesta a todo con tal de conservar su matrimonio y las buenas apariencias. Tuya no es sólo un thriller vertiginoso desde sus primeras líneas, sino un relato devastador e implacable sobre la intimidad más cruda de la clase media."


Twenty Fragments of a Ravenous Youth by Xiaolu Guo EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / China flag China
Seeking her fortune in Beijing, Fenfang Wang leaves her rural farm to pursue her dreams in the city, lands a job as a film extra, falls for two unsuitable young men, and finally finds her true calling.


Twilight of Democracy : The Seductive Lure of the Authoritarian State by Anne Applebaum EN

0 Ratings
The Pulitzer Prize-winning author, professor, and historian offers an expert guide to understanding the appeal of the strongman as a leader and an explanation for why authoritarianism is back with a menacing twenty-first century twist. Across the world today, from the Americas to Europe and beyond, liberal democracy is under siege while populism and nationalism are on the rise. In Twilight of Democracy, prize-winning historian Anne Applebaum offers an unexpected explanation: that there is a deep and inherent appeal to authoritarianism, to strongmen, and, especially, to one-party rule--that is,... continue


Umami by Laia Jufresa EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
It started with a drowning. Deep in the heart of Mexico City, where five houses cluster around a sun-drenched courtyard, lives Ana, a precocious twelve-year-old still coming to terms with the mysterious death of her little sister years earlier. Over the rainy, smoggy summer she decides to plant a vegetable garden in the courtyard, and as she digs the ground and plants her seeds, her neighbors in turn delve into their past. As the ripple effects of grief, childlessness, illness and displacement saturate their stories, secrets seep out and questions emerge - Who was my wife? Why did my mom leave... continue


Un detalle menor by Adania Shibli ES

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / Palestine flag Palestine


Un Lugar Llamado Antaño by Olga Tokarczuk ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Poland flag Poland
La novela narra las pequeñas anécdotas y hechos fantásticos que van ocurriendo en el pueblo ficticio de Antaño, mientras afuera, en el mundo, ocurren guerras y hechos turbulentos que apenas tocan levemente a sus habitantes,y sin que entiendan demasiado de que se trata. Una novela con la poesía de la inocencia.