LGBTQIA+ (107)


Troll : A Love Story by Johanna Sinisalo EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Finland flag Finland
Returning to his apartment, Angel finds a group of drunken teenagers taunting a wounded troll, so Angel decides to take him in, a decision that changes Angel's life forever.


Tudo nela brilha e queima : poemas de luta e amor by Ryane Leão PT

0 Ratings
Estreia em livro de Ryane Leão, criadora da página onde jazz meu coração, com mais de 150 mil seguidores nas redes Livro de estreia de Ryane Leão, mulher negra, poeta e professora, criadora do projeto onde jazz meu coração, com mais de 150 mil seguidores nas redes. “a poesia é minha chance de ser eu mesma diante de um mundo que tanto me silencia. é minha vez de ser crua. minha arma de combate. nossa voz ecoada. nossa dor transformada. nela eu falo sobre amor, desapego, rotina, as cidades que nos atravessam, os socos no estômago que a vida dá, o coração desenfreado, a pulsação que guia as estra... continue


Veado assassino by Santiago Nazarian PT

0 Ratings
Um presidente de extrema-direita é morto por um adolescente não binário. Por meio de uma longa entrevista, conhecemos a história do jovem e as decisões que o levaram a cometer o ato. Seria ele uma vítima, um terrorista ou um violento incel — um celibatário involuntário? Numa narrativa estruturada apenas em diálogos, Santiago Nazarian apresenta o retrato de uma geração tão engajada quanto individualista, que sabe o que precisa combater, mas não o que defender. Questões raciais, sexuais e de gênero são colocadas numa balança sempre desequilibrada, e a visão parcial de um personagem pode revelar ... continue


We Do What We Do in the Dark : A Novel by Michelle Hart EN

0 Ratings
"Hart’s novel does something exceptional that few pieces of fiction have done successfully….[H]as flashes of Sally Rooney’s Conversations With Friends." – New York Times “An unforgettable account of a forbidden romance.” – Nicole Dennis-Benn, author of Patsy “Moving and memorable.” – Meg Wolitzer, author of The Female Persuasion “Sensual and wise.” – Tayari Jones, author of An American Marriage A novel about a young woman’s life-altering affair with a much older, married woman. Mallory is a freshman in college when she meets the woman. She sees her for the first time at the university’s gym, i... continue


We Used to Live Here : A Novel by Marcus Kliewer EN

0 Ratings
Get Out meets Parasite in this eerily haunting debut and Reddit hit—soon to be a Netflix original movie starring Blake Lively—about two homeowners whose lives are turned upside down when the house’s previous residents unexpectedly visit. As a young, queer couple who flip houses, Charlie and Eve can’t believe the killer deal they’ve just gotten on an old house in a picturesque neighborhood. As they’re working in the house one day, there’s a knock on the door. A man stands there with his family, claiming to have lived there years before and asking if it would be alright if he showed his kids aro... continue


Wound by Oksana Vasyakina EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
A breathtaking novel of grief, love, creativity and a young woman's queer and artistic awakening. In the days after her mother's death from breast cancer, Oksana, a young queer poet, decides to return her mother's ashes to their working-class hometown in Siberia. It is a journey home that will take her through the raw, almost dreamlike emotions of early grief through to an acceptance of the wound that death leaves behind. As she navigates the rituals of parting, Oksana feels her way through memory and heartache with a wry humour, reflecting on her complex relationship with her mother and on he... continue


You Exist Too Much : A Novel by Zaina Arafat EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
A “provocative and seductive debut” of desire and doubleness that follows the life of a young Palestinian American woman caught between cultural, religious, and sexual identities as she endeavors to lead an authentic life (O, The Oprah Magazine). On a hot day in Bethlehem, a 12–year–old Palestinian–American girl is yelled at by a group of men outside the Church of the Nativity. She has exposed her legs in a biblical city, an act they deem forbidden, and their judgement will echo on through her adolescence. When our narrator finally admits to her mother that she is queer, her mother’s response ... continue