Read Around Asia Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in Asia.

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Best books from Asia (1246)

La casa del silencio by Orhan Pamuk ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Turkey flag Turkey
Fatma, acompañada por el enano Recep, hijo ilegítimo de su difunto marido, un médico fracasado, alcohólico y aperturista, vive aún en la casa a la que se trasladó cuando ambos decidieron abandonar Estambul iniciada la revolución de 1908. Sus hijos han muerto pero tiene tres nietos que la visitan cada verano. Faruk, el mayor, es un historiador al que su mujer ha abandonado y que encuentra en el alcohol un paliativo eficaz a su aburrimiento; Nilgün, una joven soñadora e idealista que desea una revolución social que no llega y cu... continue


El castillo blanco by Orhan Pamuk, Rafael tr Carpintero ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Turkey flag Turkey
Un joven científico italiano es capturado por piratas cuando viaja de Venecia a Nápoles. Poco después es vendido como esclavo a un sabio turco deseoso de conocer los avances científicos de Occidente. Ambientada en la Turquía del siglo XVII, El castillo blanco cuenta la extraordinaria historia de estos dos hombres, que curiosamente guardan un gran parecido físico. Una fascinante exploración de la identidad, del fatídico pulso entre tradición y modernidad, y del destino del intelectual a través de la relación que surge ... continue


Nieve by Orhan Pamuk ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Turkey flag Turkey
Tras doce años de exilio en Alemania, el poeta y periodista Ka regresa a su Turquía natal por la muerte de su madre. Allí, un crimen político, una oleada de suicidios y la posibilidad de reencontrarse con su amor de juventud le conducirán a la ciudad de Kars, una tierra miserable donde la gente vive atrapada entre el terrorismo kurdo y la rigidez de una política islámica radical; el choque entre sus ideas occidentales y el lado más drástico del islam llevará a Ka replantearse su relación con sus orígenes y con Dios.


La vida nueva by Orhan Pamuk ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Turkey flag Turkey
Novela ubicada en Turquía acerca de un grupo de estudiantes obsesionados con un libro. Uno de ellos aún ha abandonado sus estudios para hacer copias a mano para poder compartirlo con otra gente. Nunca se aclara el contenido el libro, pero aunque los jóvenes se entusiasman, sus ancianos creen que el contenido es degenerado, otro ejemplo de la influencia extranjera que está arruinando el país.


Labyrinth : A Novel by Burhan Sönmez EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Turkey flag Turkey
Notable International Crime Novel of the Year – Crime Reads / Lit Hub From a prize-winning Turkish novelist, a heady, political tale of one man’s search for identity and meaning in Istanbul after the loss of his memory. A blues singer, Boratin, attempts suicide by jumping off the Bosphorus Bridge, but opens his eyes in the hospital. He has lost his memory, and can't recall why he wished to end his life. He remembers only things that are unrelated to himself, but confuses their timing. He knows that the Ottoman Empire fell, and that the last sultan died, but has no idea when. His mind falters w... continue


The Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / Turkey flag Turkey
The Museum of Innocence - set in Istanbul between 1975 and today - tells the story of Kemal, the son of one of Istanbul's richest families, and of his obsessive love for a poor and distant relation, the beautiful Fusun, who is a shop-girl in a small boutique. In his romantic pursuit of Füsun over the next eight years, Kemal compulsively amasses a collection of objects that chronicles his lovelorn progress-a museum that is both a map of a society and of his heart. The novel depicts a panoramic view of life in Istanbul as it chronicles this long, obsessive love affair; and Pamuk beautifully capt... continue


Madonna in a Fur Coat by Sabahattin Ali EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Turkey flag Turkey
"The pain of losing something precious can be forgotten over time. But our missed opportunities never leave us, and every time they come back to haunt us, we ache.' A shy young man leaves his home in rural Turkey to learn a trade and discover life in 1920s Berlin. There, amid the city's bustling streets, elegant museums, passionate politics and seedy cabarets, a chance meeting transforms his life forever. Caught between his desire for freedom and his yearning to belong, he struggles to hold on to the new life he has found."


The Garden of Departed Cats by Bilge Karasu EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Turkey flag Turkey
A surreal, utterly unique Turkish novel about a human chess game.


The Time Regulation Institute by Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Turkey flag Turkey
This is the story of the misadventures of Hayri Irdals, an unforgettable antihero who, along with an eccentric cast of characters (a television mystic, a pharmacist who dabbles in alchemy, a dignitary from the lost Ottoman empire, the 'life-artist' Halit), founds The Time Regulation Institute. The institute's quixotic quest: to make sure all the clocks in Turkey are set to Western time. Thus begins a brilliant satire about the calamitous arrival of Western and corporate values in tradition-bound Turkey.